I perched up on a tree and hopped branch to branch, keeping a close eye on Krone, but at a far enough distance. I could see the trio watching from afar. So, they're watching her too.

I followed her around as she caught more and more kids. The trio was still chasing her tail. They almost caught me at some point, but they haven't realized that I'd also been following Krone. I wonder if they've wondered where I've been. 

Emma dashed out from her hiding spot and snatched up two small children that Krone was headed for. She eventually, but barely outran Krone and took a hiding spot behind a tree. I could see Norman and Ray watching in horror.

"Running while carrying two young ones," Krone called out, her eyes flicking to every hiding spot she could find. "You must be tired, Emma."

I hopped down from my tree, and landed behind a bush directly in front of Emma.

"You won't be able to move unless you rest," Krone continued. "I'm sure you've never been chased like this before."

She let out a little laugh as she walked. "Do you know, Norman's weakness is physical strength. I heard he was feeble when he was younger."

She's not wrong there. When he was barely a baby he got constant fevers. He spent most of his first year stuck in an isolated room, far from the other babies. Peter threatened to feed the baby to the wild demons. If it wasn't for me and Rain, he would've been dead a long time ago.

"Ray's weakness is that he's a little quick to give up," Krone said, rushing over to a bush and tearing apart the leaves. "He makes a decision fast but abandons others just as quickly. And Emma, your weakness is being naive."

Krone's face turned into an eerie, disgusting smile. Emma had been spotted.

"Like carrying others when you're being chased. Just give up and come on out. I won't do you wrong."


"If you saw the harvest that day, then I'm on your side."

Emma's face turned sour. And in that split second, that moment when Emma's guard dropped, Krone took advantage and moved to Emma. "Found you."

Ray and Norman moved quickly and ran off, Krone following closely behind. 

I walked past Emma, her face seemed surprised. Guess they didn't realize that I was following Krone. I gave her a knowing smile before running after Krone.

I saw Ray and Norman split up. Likewise, Krone went after Norman. Physical weakness after all. But, if I was going to play, then I think now would be the ideal time. I left Krone and went after Ray. Fortunately he hadn't seen me coming. All that time playing in headquarters and stalking the people there paid off. Everyone there complimented me at how stealthy I was. I knew that was going to pay off.

I jumped off of my tree and landed right in front of Ray. Him– caught off guard– stopped all of a sudden and nearly fell back if it wasn't for me to catch him by his wrist. I pulled him back to his feet. "Found you," I said, before snatching his pocket watch from his hand and running over to Krone.

Norman was standing on a small hill, looking down on Krone. His expression shifted when he saw me.

I tapped Krone on the shoulder. "Times up," I said as I held open Ray's pocket watch. "1 survivor, huh? What a disappointment."

Krone slapped my hand away and marched off into the forest. I followed behind her, handing Ray his watch as we passed by him. I love people's expressions when they look genuinely confused. Makes everything worth it.

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