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When he regained consciousness, he didn't immediately open his eyes. He kept them closed for a while, simply taking in how he felt. It didn't hurt anymore, and he found he was kneeling. He was simply waiting, thinking there was no way peace would last. But it never came.

Even with his eyelids closed, he could see the room he was in was white. It was extremely bright, and cracking his eyes open took longer then it probably should have. When they fully opened, he was confused. Where were the walls? The furniture? Why is it so... empty?

He slowly looked to his left, then slowly turned to his right.

It was so quiet.

Isn't this what he always wanted? A place with no one but himself occupying it?

No. He hung his head, his face scrunching and his bottom lip tightening, eyes threatening to release tears.

'I wanted security, not silence. Why can't I have this simple request? Is it to much to ask? I guess so... Why would I ever be granted that peace.'

"Xiao Jiu?"

It was timid, like it was unsure of how to respond, but it caused his head to snap up, tears dispelling immediately.


He looked up at the man standing awkwardly to the side. His Qi-ge lightly flinched, expecting an immediate outburst.

"You fool! Why did you come?! You knew it was a trap!"

"I would always come, no matter what, if it was for Xiao Jiu."

"You! You idiot! You were always impulsive!"

"I know, Xiao Jiu."

He kept insulting the man, even after he knew the man understood his message. Right before he was about to start up again, he heard something.

"Shen-shixiong? Is that you?"

His head snapped towards that direction so fast, Yue Qingyuan thought his neck would snap. He saw his Liu-shidi's form start appearing like he was stepping out from behind a wall. His shidi turned and looked towards his direction, confusion on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

He shot up and started rushing towards him, foot catching on his robes, causing him to almost fall flat on his face before he caught himself, and launched towards his shidi. The tears that his Qi-ge chased away came back at full force, causing big fat tears to roll down his face.

"You pig-headed brute! Why do you think I'm here?!"

Said pig-headed brute quickly adjusted himself so they wouldn't fall, and accepted the heavy glomp, returning the bone-crushing hug with just as much emotion.

"I was confused because you're normally to stubborn to die."

It caused a long overdue laugh to spill from his lips, loud and full.

"I missed you..."


They simply stood there, forgetting Yue Qingyuan existed, hugging each other tightly. After a long while, he picked his head up and placed a hard kiss on his shidi's beauty mark, causing his eye to squint at the pressure. He then traveled to his nose, kissing it down before reaching his lips, covering them with his own for a long time before breaking apart. His shidi looked a little dazed before returning it and hugging him closer.

His shidi suddenly looked at the forgotten sect leader, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but watching them.

"Did they blame him?"

"Huh?" Yue Qingyuan looked a little confused.

"Did they blame him for my death."

"Oh! Oh... Uhh, yes, I'm afraid they did."

"I should go down there and teach them other wise."

"Shidi, it's okay."

"It is not okay! They shouldn't blame you for something you didn't do!"

"It's over now, let them blame, it doesn't make a difference now."

His shidi looked ready to argue, but complied and just continued hugging him, never letting his feet touch floor you couldn't see.

He just sighed and melted into the arms he knew would never drop him, picking his feet up to wrap them around his shidi's waist.

He guessed his wish for security wasn't that hard to answer after all.

They happened to have stayed like that for the next few days, anyone who saw them and knew them were utterly confused.

Shen Jiu Feels IgWhere stories live. Discover now