"It's senior ditch day," Puck rolled his eyes. "Not senior citizens ditch day."

"It's springtime. I would like to see something give birth," said Brittany. "Especially since we were all at prom when Bailey did."

"Believe me, you wouldn't have wanted to be in that room," Bailey said, shaking her head.

"Quinn, I'm so sorry," Rachel spoke up.

"You better be," Adalynn scoffed, crossing her arms. "It's all your fault."

"Addie, be nice," Quinn whispered.


"Adalynn has a point, actually," said Rachel. "It was my wedding that you were going to when you got into your car crash, and you were answering my text message, and now we're all sitting here, and we're talking about this day that's supposed to be the most amazing and unforgettable day of our high school lives, and we're– we're completely ignoring the fact that she's sitting in that chair? It's not right. It's not right, and it shouldn't be like this."

"And here she goes with the waterworks," Adalynn grumbled, rolling her eyes as Rachel fought back tears.

"Artie's in a chair, and you ignore him all the time," said Bailey.

"This is the way it is," Quinn shrugged. "My accident, which Rachel did not cause by the way, Adalynn," she said, nudging her girlfriend with her knee, "does not define me or ruin our senior year. I meant what I said in the choir room."

"And I meant what I said when I told my dad I wanted a dog, but did he listen?" Adalynn mumbled as she twisted the ring on her finger.

"I'm not gonna dwell on this, and neither should any of you," Quinn continued. "Come here."

The blonde motioned for Rachel to come over and give her a hug. The diva sniffled and walked over, bending down to hug the girl in the wheelchair.

"Now, we are ditching as planned," Quinn said as they pulled away. "I think we should go to Six Flags."

Everyone gasped and exchanged excited looks, nodding in agreement at Quinn's suggestion.

"The Lady Fabray has chosen wisely," said Puck. "Six Flags it is. Meeting adjourned."


Adalynn was outside with Bailey and Artie to cheer on Quinn as she took on the steepest ramp at William McKinley. The songwriter gave the actress a Hershey's Kiss as they leaned over the railing.

"Ready?" Artie asked as he sat at the top of the ramp.

"I don't know," Quinn said, looking up at the ramp with wide eyes. "It's super steep."

"In fact, it's the steepest accessibility ramp in Lima," the brunette boy said. "I know. I've conquered them all."

"I think I'm just gonna go to the front of the school–"

"Lucy Quinn Fabray!" Adalynn called as her girlfriend tried to roll away. The blonde turned to look at her, hazel eyes laced with fear. "I believe in you. You can do it."

"I'm not gonna make it," Quinn groaned as she positioned herself at the bottom of the ramp.

"You will!"

"You can do this!"

"Do it for me!"

As her friends and girlfriend encouraged her, Quinn pushed with all her might as she rolled up the ramp.

"I'm... not... gonna–" the blonde grunted. "My... arms–"

"Are like iron!" Artie interrupted. "You can do it."

𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐥𝐲 | q. fabrayWhere stories live. Discover now