"Ladies this is-," Theo started.

"YOU DIDN'T TELL US YOU KNEW THEEE VINCENT MASTERSON." Jasmine shrieked, catching the attention of some of the people around us.

I made the situation even more awkward when I blurted out a "who" right in front of the man. When I realized my error, I slapped a hand over my mouth and immediately apologized.

He only chuckled as he carefully sloshed around his glass of wine, meanwhile Theo looked as if he just shat a load of bricks into his underwear as the scene unfolded in front of him.

"No worries." Vincent snickered, in his thick, posh accent. "I'm not that big of a deal. But it's nice to know someone in here could point me out in a crowd." He added, sincerely. "I don't really show my face at big events like this. I consider myself more of a homebody, really."

"Not that big of a deal?" Jasmine said feigning confusion. "I have some of your work tatted on me, man."

"Oh really?" He asked, clearly intrigued by the confession.

Jasmine scrunched her head to her shoulder and shrugged. "Only some of your best pieces of course."

Vincent seemed like he wanted to give a flirty rebuttal but then he flicked his eyes over to me. He gave me not a once, not a twice, but a thrice over and I felt myself drowning in the mossy chestnuts of his irises again. He checked me out almost unashamedly, and seemed to ponder his next words carefully. Ah, so he can multitask.

The younger man tilted his glass over in my direction as he window shopped me.

"And who's this stunning creature?" He asked to no one in particular.

I adverted my gaze over to Jasmine to gauge her reaction to this sudden shift in attention, and to my surprise she was smirking subtly in my direction. She gave a slight nod in nonverbal confirmation just as Theo spoke up.

"This here is, Vera. She's an editor for Culturepedia." Theo boasted proudly, hand outstretched as if he were showing off a trophy case.

"Ah, I've heard of that magazine. Streets are saying it's the new Buzzfeed."

It seemed Vincent only became more aware of my existence as he continued his exploration of my form. His eyes darted from my eyes to my lips and further down several times as he nodded, seemingly processing and retaining the information he had just acquired. He took another of one of those long thoughtful pauses before he spoke again.

"Is she single by any chance?"

I hoped no one around me could hear my painful attempt at holding in a shocked gasp. I looked over at Jasmine again, watching as she tried to hide a smirk behind her glass. Theo look just as bewildered as I'm sure I did. He looked between Vincent and I before he choked out a "Well, you could ask her."

Vincent looked over at Theo and then me again, expectantly even. I had almost forgotten to answer until he raised his thick brows at me, in curiosity.

"Um, y-yes I am.....actually." I stuttered out.

Way to go Vera.

"Wonderful." He declared, heartily. "So you two wouldn't mind if I stole her away for a little while?"

Jasmine and Theo eyed eachother in amusement after witnessing my horrified expression. I couldn't believe they had successfully pimped me out with no effort at all. I wouldn't be complaining if I hadn't completely clammed up in front of one the hottest men I'd ever seen.

"No, of course not." Theo stated, decidedly.

Vincent held out a folded elbow and lended me an anticipating glance. I looked over at both Jasmine and Theo once more, before hooking my arm into his.

Vincent spared them a glimpse as well. He nodded knowingly at Theo before leading me away from the familiarity of my circle.

Once he guided me a little ways away, he let out a breath he seemed to be holding.

"I hope you don't mind the abrupt getaway. I'd been wanting to get you alone since I saw Theo walking you in. I'm not really good with small talk and I didn't wanna ruin any chance I had with you by being awkward during our first encounter."

And while I admit his sudden 180 spin in behavior gave me whiplash, it was refreshing to know he was just as awkward as I was and just wanted to make a good first impression. He was hot, rich and has taste; maybe entertaining him for tonight couldn't be that bad, right?


Hold your torches and pitchforks. I know an update has been loooooong overdue but I'm trying to dip my toes back into writing so I can get back to developing these stories for you guys. I finally have an idea of how I want this story to go so I'm providing a little filler chapter for you guys so you all can get a feel for Vincent. Do we love him? Hmmm?? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Miscfics ♥️

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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