Hannah- sooner than you think

Millie- *locks the door* I love you girl *tearing up*

Hannah- I love you too Mill

Rach- you guys are acting like it's a forever goodbye

Hannah- it's going to feel like forever. Anyway you're with me everyday so shut up *laughs*

We all laugh and the girls pack my bags into the car.

Rach- ready?

Hannah- yeah

Millie- see ya

Hannah- been

*at Rach's*

Rach- do you want your own room or..?

Hannah- I was kinda hoping to stay in yours

Rach- so was I *smiles* let's get you unpacked.

Hannah- ill just sit here and watch *laughs, sits on the bed*

Rach- *laughs, shakes her head*

Hannah- what? It's not like I can do much! *laughs*

Rach- I know *laughs* you just sit there and look pretty babe

Hannah- that, I can do *laughs*

Rach- I know *laughs* what do you fancy for dinner. I don't fancy cooking

Hannah- yeah neither do I, how about pizza?

Rach- yeah I could go for a pizza. How about we invite some of the girls round? I know Katie's in town?

Hannah- um, yeah sure.

Rach- okay, I'll text Rue.. she said yeah, theyre gonna come in an hour

Hannah- okay babe

Rach- I need to get my dog, do you want to come?

Hannah- no, ill stay here babe. Thanks

Rach- you going to be okay?

Hannah- yes Rach, I'm not incapable you know

Rach- I know. I just worry

Hannah- I know, I'll be okay

Rach- okay, my mom's is only 10 minutes down the road so I'll be back in half an hour

Hannah- okay, see you then *gets crutches and goes to the sofa*

Rach- call me if you need anything babe

Hannah- I will *kisses goodbye* be safe

Rach- I will babe. I love you

Hannah- I love you too

It's been about 25 minutes since Rach has been gone and I'm thirsty. I get up and on my crutches to go to the kitchen to get a drink. I search through the cupboards to find a glass. I find one but they're really high, I'm not too short but I can't reach. So I get on my tiptoes and put my crutches to the side. I get the glass but lose my balance and fall backwards. Something twinged in my knee but the pain is gone in a few minutes.

Whilst I'm on the floor, Rach comes back home.

Rach- hey, I'm home! *sees Hannah on the floor with broken glass around her* oh my god Hannah what have you done! *rushes over*

Hannah- I wanted a drink and lost my balance. I broke a glass, im so sorry Rach

Rach- hannah I don't care about the glass right now. Are you okay?

Hannah- yeah, can you help me up please?

Rach- *helps her up* did you hurt yourself?

Hannah- no I'm fine thanks

Rach- go sit down, I'll get you a drink.

Hannah- thanks babe *goes to sit down*

Rach- *brings drink over and sits down* I can't believe you

Hannah- *laughs*

Rach- hannah it's not funny! *smiles* you could have hurt yourself!

Hannah- but I didnt *shrugs*

Rach- but you could have, you need to be careful babe

Hannah- so everyone keeps telling me *laughs* how long until Ruesha and Katie get here?

Rach- about half an hour

Hannah- perfect. I can enjoy cuddles with my favourite girl until then

Rach- awe you're cute

Hannah- I meant the dog *laughs*

Rach- you evil person

Hannah- I'm joking, come here babe

Rach- *laughs* I love you, you know

Hannah- and I love you

Rach- don't leave me

Hannah- I could never

Rach- were a bit cringe aren't we

Hannah- oh please, All the best people are *laughs*


Welcome home ❤️

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Welcome home ❤️

@hannahtaylor- home away from home ❤️

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