Romanced By Mr. Billionare... Chap13

Start from the beginning

“what are you looking for?” I asked.

“A person. Preferably over the age of sixteen” he said

“why?” I asked, dragging the word to show how unsure I was.

“I’m giving it away” he said, smiling. At that moment, some random teenage guy began walking down the street. He nudged me and began walking towards the guy.

“Wait... what?!” I asked, practically tackling him against the car. He looked surprised for a sec, and the surprise was replaced by a smile as he checked me out. I jumped back.

“I’m giving it away” he said, straightening up, “it wasn’t my kind of car anyways and here’s an opportunity to get rid of it. Now if you’ll excuse me” I pulled him back when he was about to walk off and leaned him against the car again, making sure this time I wouldn’t lean on him.

“Why?” I asked, “you can just park it somewhere and get it after school” I said.

“I’ll get someone to pick me up after school” he said, shrugging.

“TYLER! ITS A NEW CAR!” I practically yelled, catching the teenager’s attention.

“I know... so?” he asked, looking confused.

“So?! So?! Are you crazy?!!” I freaked.

“Oh hey. sweet ride” the teenage guy said, checking the car out.

“Thanks you want...?” I shoved the apple at Tyler’s face as he was talking and interrupted him.

“Thanks. Its new. And we’re going to school with it” I said, giving Tyler a warning look.

“Woa man its cool. I wish I had one like it” he said, straightening up and looking at me. His eyes widened slightly. I rolled my eyes and let Tyler catch the apple as I walked around the car to get in. He stopped me before I got inside, cornering me.

“Hey so... wanna hang out this Friday?” the teenage asked.

“You’re kidding me right?” I asked harshly, “I don’t even know you”

“Yeah but we’ll get to know each other then” he smiled, revealing dimples.

“Dude...” Tyler interfered but I interrupted him before he could finish as I was getting annoyed.

“And what makes you think I’m single?” I asked, folding my arms.

“Well we could ask your brother here” he said, gesturing to Tyler and leaning in.

“Yeah well...” it was Tyler’s turn to interrupt me as he said, “No dude give it up. she’s taken. and it you don’t walk away right now you’ll regret hitting on my girlfriend” he said menacingly. The guy jumped back from me. GIRLFRIEND?! My insides tingled for some reason.

“Uh... yea. sorry man. I gotta go to school” he said, scurrying away quickly. Head down. I turned to Tyler, glaring at him.

“Girlfriend? Seriously?!” I asked, opening the door.

“What?” he asked, opening his and getting inside.

“You couldn’t come up with anything else?” I asked.

“Like what?” he asked, starting the ignition.

“um... still. No excuses” I said, failing to come up with another excuse. he chuckled and backed out.

“So what made you change your mind? Was it my charm?” he teased. I blushed and looked away, scoffing to cover it up.

“You wish” I said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2011 ⏰

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