Ch 10: Level 9223372036854775810. The Primordial

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A wave of control washes over me. As if I had been a passenger in my own body and just got the steering wheel back. I open my eyes and rise from the hardwood floor. Where the hell am I? I look around and see the massive gem I saw in my dream. Was that a dream? Obviously not if it is right in front of me. Did the things I do in my dream actually happen? Everything felt like a blur now.

"I can assure you, you were not dreaming, Great Slayer." I spin my attention towards the Voice's origins, only to see the Gem. "Though that would be debatable seeing as I was technically back-seat-driving your body as your consciousness remained in a state of semi-consciousness." What? "A better explanation would be that you were still partially in control of your body, I was simply aiding you in reaching me so I could bring your consciousness to full awareness with what remained of my power." Why? So I could free you only for you to betray me? "No, Great Slayer. It is because I require your assistance! All of creation needs your help!"

What are you talking about? It lets out a sigh. "Unbind me and I will explain everything." With a simple glance I realize the remaining nine chains are still attached. And why should I help you? What do you plan to accomplish? "I give you my word, I will not betray you, Great Slayer. I only wish to protect reality." What? What is happening to it? A long pause ensues. "A war." The two words dance in my mind, my thoughts much clearer now than before. What kind of war, exactly? "One I fear will destroy all of creation if not stopped..." The sincerity in its voice spoke volumes.

"What the fuck is happening!" A high pitched male voice plays over my helmets speakers. Kyle, the man who helped me in my dream. Or, half-dream I suppose. "Is this the Voice you've been hearing? Why the hell is this not logged?!" Kyle waits for a response from me. He still thinks I am the Slayer he spoke to before, but not anymore. I stand there in silence. "Okay? Slayer, are you going to say anything?" I remain unresponsive. Not even a shake of my head. Just like I should have done from the very beginning. He begins to speak again, but the words quickly die on his lips as he does not know what to say.

I do some quick judgements of the situation and decide to finish what I started. I approach one of the remaining nine chains. Wrapping my fingers around it, I tug. No result. I tug once more. No result. I pull with all my might, the impossibly hot blue metal finally giving a response in the form of a buckling sound. The metal begins to bend before snapping, and falling slack to the floor. A piece of the cage holding the Gem the chain was linked too disintegrates. The moment it does my muscles felt like they just woke from a long slumber, gaining a bit of energy back. But, as I move towards the eighth chain a bellowing echoes through the museum.

"Quickly, Great Slayer!" The Jewel yells. "This place is not pleased with your efforts." I pick up the pace. The next chain is only a little easier, but once it is done I feel even better. The howling gets louder. Another chain, more power, more howling. Rinse and repeat until all the chains are left disintegrating on the ground, and I feel like I was just put through the Divinity Machine again. All the power I had lost when Davoth fell had just returned to me. But, something felt... off. However, before I could state my concern to the Gem, the room was abruptly filled with a bright yellow light.

"FINALLY!" It shouts. Its voice echoed with power. I quickly look at it, my gaze immediately being pulled from it to the wave of entities flooding in from the hallway behind it. The front wave looks up at the Gem with shocked expressions of horror trying desperately to stop themselves from moving forwards and do a one-eighty with whatever their hands, claws, and other appendages could fine. The floor, the bookshelves, other entities around them. They looked like what humans do from my world when they see me.

Some brave enough lung at the Gem. But they are completely halted mid-air by an unseen force, yellow mist surrounding them. They flail around, hopelessly clawing at the air around them. That was when I finally got a good look at the Gem. The Gem was no longer just a yellow crystal with the appearance of a stereotypical diamond, but was now emanating a golden light. And above the gem was what was scaring the entities. That thing was the shape of a man formed out of yellow light and smoke.

Although I was behind him and could not see his face, I still could make out a small amount of features. For one, he was completely bald, stood proud and broad-shouldered, and was very muscular. Levitating above his crystal, he extended out his hand towards the entities, who I only just realized were being lifted into the air along with anything else near them. The entire level resonated with power as the man made a swift turn of his arm and torso to the right. Everything floating was then violently sent cascading in that direction. Entire rows of bookshelves knocked down like dominoes.

The man lets out a yell as he twists in the opposite direction causing the same effect as before, the same entities being flung screaming and bloody across the entire room again. I gaze upon the now open space before me. What was once rows of bookshelves was now a blanket of destruction on the floor. I then refocus my attention on the man, who lets out a long sigh.

"I do apologies, Great Slayer, but I have not been able to move around for... well, you would not believe me if I told you." This peaks my interest. How old are you? "If I were to say 'the beginning of existence', would you believe me?" Possibly. "Precisely." It begins to stretch. "Well, Great Slayer." It looks at me. "Do you wish to go home now?" Yes. "Then let us leave this wretched prison of a reality behind us." He raises his hand to snap his fingers. But, before he could finish the action I stop him with a jolt in his direction. He looks over to me.

"Yes, Great Slayer?" He asks curiously. His eyes glowing a bright yellowish-white. "Do you require an explanation? I promise, I will give one when we--" I cut him off with my thoughts. No, I want to bring someone with us. He looks at me with confusion before his expression changes to realization. "Oh, you wish to bring that Kyle Adams along. Do you not?" Yes. He assisted me greatly in my journey here, so I want to help him escape along side me.

"Wait..." Kyle finally speaking again. "Seriously?" He asks, completely dumbfounded.

"Yes, Kyle Adams. He wishes to bring you." He stutters for a bit before asking something.

"Uhm, well then, I think it would be unfair to not bring Yuri along with us. Don't you think?" That is true. He did give me a -- very effective -- new weapon. I think on it for a bit.

"I have a proposition," The Man says, breaking the silence. "He is obviously highly skilled with technology and mechanics. He could prove very useful to all of your future endeavors."

"He does have a good point." Kyle chimes in. "What's your name, anyway?" Kyle asks the man on the cameras speaker.

"My name?" The man lets out a short chortle. "My name is Malakesh."

"Mal-a-kesh?" Kyle sounds out.

"Close. Mal-uh-kesh." Malakesh repeats back to him.

"Ok. Then what are you?"

"I am a Primordial." Malakesh explains. "A being made at the birth of existence. More specifically, I am one of the first ten woven from the very fabric of reality by the Creator to give life too, control, and maintain a central piece of the cosmos. I own; no, I am... the Multiverse." Silence follows. "But, I will explain everything once we get back to the Fortress of Doom." He raises his hand and snaps his fingers. And just like that, my vision is consumed by a flash of golden light as I begin to feel weightless.

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