Chapter 2: 6th Birthday

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Percy couldn't wait. His birthday was in an hour and he was very excited. He laid on his bed, his head turned to the right, looking at his electric clock. He waited with bated breath as he watched the 11:58 turn to 11:59. His mother was sleeping in her room so the house was quiet. She would be disappointed if she found out that he was still awake when she had come to check on him at 10pm. When the clock finally showed 12:00am, he wished himself a happy 6th birthday and slid off the bed.

He looked under his bed and reached for the shoe box he hid there. He dragged it out, taking the lid off and reached his hand inside. He rifled through the box, pulling out a handful of candy. He pushed the box back under the bed and stood. When he looked up form treasure, he finally noticed something on his bed.

A blue box was innocently sitting on his bed. He was most curious about where it had come from as he was sure that when he got off bed, it was not there. He looked around the room, expecting to see something skulking around in the shadows of his room. The only thing he could see, however, were the fish stickers on the walls and the flow in the dark stickers he had put on his bedpost. He looked back at the box, excited to see what the mysterious person had left for him. He lifted the lid of the box up and gently placed it on the bed. If he dropped it on the floor, that would most certainly make noise and he didn't want to take the chance to see if his mother was awake.

He reached his hand into the box and pulled something out. When he got a closer look at it, he noticed wilt was a necklace composed of a black string and a round silver pendant with 'Poseidon' engraved on it. He reached back into the box to make sure he had gotten everything out. He pulled out something else, a bracelet, made of blue and green sea stones. He turned the bracelet around in his hands, admiring the way it shine when the light hit it.

He was suddenly overcome with fatigue so he placed his gifts on his bedside table next to his clock. When he glanced at it he did a double take when he realized that it was 1:15am and his mother would wake up to check on him soon. He quickly climaxes back in bed and threw the covers over his head.

He heard the door open a minute later and suddenly remembered that he had left the box and his candy on the floor. He could only hope she didn't see them.

"What's this?" She asked.

He lifted the up so he could peek out a little to see what she was talking about. He watched as she picked up a piece of paper that he had dismissed.

'That's weird.' He thought.

He watched as his mother read through whatever was on the paper, her eyes widening in the process before her eyes shot over to his bed. She tucked the paper in her pocket and picked up the box. She moved closer to his bedside table and he prayed that she would not notice the necklace and bracelet, but he knew it was not to be when she sat on his bars and pet his head.

"I know you're still awake, Percy." She said, "I knew you were watching me when I picked up the paper."

"What does the paper say?" Percy asked, sitting up. "Do you know who sent it to me?"

"I'll tell you when you're older Percy." She said, "It's late, you should get be bed if you want to wake up on time."

She kissed his forehead and stood up, moving toward the door.

"I'll see you in the morning, alright baby?"

"Okay mama."

When the Sun had risen, Percy was bouncing around his mother, waiting for her to finish washing the dishes so they could go on their morning walk.

"Alright, Percy," she laughed "I'm ready for our walk."

Percy cheered and grabbed her hand to start pulling her out of the house. He waited long enough for her to lock the door before he started pulling her again. When they got downstairs he slowed down and let her lead him around.

As they were walking past an alley, Percy tugged on his mother's arm to get her to stop. When she looked down at him to ask what happened, he pointed at the alley.

"There's a doggy in there mama." He said "It looks like it might be hurt. I want to help it."

People walked around them as mother and son stared at each other, Sally finally nodding her head after a minute. They walked into the alley, spotting the puppy after walking for a while. It was a tiny little thing with dirt piled on its fur. Percy let go of his mother's hand to run to it, picking it up like a baby and looking at his mother.

"I want the puppy mama." He said.

"Percy, we can't take it home with us." She said.

"I promise I'll take care of him!" Percy replied.

With the puppy and Percy staring at her with their own equivalents of puppy dog eyes, Sally can't help but to fall for it.

"Alright," she sighs, "but you have to be responsible with him. Am I clear?"

"Crystal!" He replied with a grin on his face.

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