~{[1]}~ The perfect snuggler

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Arshin's POV

I groaned at the sound comming from the kitchen. I was already comfortable in my bed and if now some thief broke into my house im gonna kill him for disturbing my peace.
I just want to sleep for god's sake.

Although i was in no mood of getting out from my bed , i dragged myself to my bedroom door . Opening the door i switched into my serious personality ...i cant risk getting robbed or stabbed when i just started living on my own. Gaining my composure and picking up the nearest flower vase from the side table , i went ahead as quietly as possible.

I turned towards the stairs and when i reached the last steps i heard the sounds growing louder 'its definately comming from the kitchen' i thought to myself .

I tiptoed towards the kitchen extra alert .
I was ready to attack with full strenght, my hands held the vase up in the air above my head but when i turned there was no one there.

'Are you kidding me. Don tell me i have dead visitors in my house now.'
I shook my assumptions out of my mind ,  it would take almost 7hrs 46min more for the sun to finally come out, i dont want to stay awake till then with these kind of thoughts in my mind.  I would rather welcome a thief anyday than  something paranormal in my house.

I sighed at my overactive brain , it took me 30 mins of meditation and soothing music to calm my brain so that i can finally sleep but here it is now totally awake and active.

I turned to get back to my bed when i heard it again loud and clear . It came from the cabinet that was half open. I squinted my eyes and bend at the cabinet level. Using the vase as my protector I opened it when i head purring.

'Wait what? Purring!!??' opening it wide enough to let the living room lights slightly illuminate the kitchen and the cabinet, I found a shivering kitten rolled in a ball trying to protect itself from cold.

Pulling it out from there and placing it in my arms i saw her opening her eyes. And those eyes screamed at me to take her in. And the inner battle started... should i take her in ?  Will i be able to take care of her? What if she die of hunger if by chance i forget to feed her? Feeling my body heat she snuggled more close to me.

My heart felt warm after almost ages at the sight . 'thats it !!she is going to stay here and be my little furr ball'  I took her to my bedroom laying her on my bed ..she looked so comfy that she instantly dozed off in the warmth 'woah someone was sleep starving . Just like me.'

'Now how did she ended up here in my kitchen '...shaking the question out of my head i went to sleep because 1) i dont want to use my brain right now and 2)a full hectic day was waiting for me. ...I looked one last time at the peaceful creature and got under the blanket. 'mhmm it feels so warm and cozy . I missed u my bed..although i was away for only 8 mins 36sec i still missed u' 

Nathan's POV

It was already dark and with this little and precious creature hiding in my hoodie's pocket i cant go home.'i wish i could keep you buddy' . I sighed heavily thinking of the consequences of having a cat at my place.

'ill have to let you go'  strolling through the streets that was quite far away from my neighbourhood , i saw a window slightly open. Now i must look like a total creep trying to look into some strangers house at 10PM but i dont have any choice .

Peeking through the little crack i tried to see if someone's there , but the room was empty and by the looks of it ..it appeared like a kitchen

'Maybe I'll see you someday buddy'

I took a last glance at the kitten and placed it on the kitchen counter. It first tried approaching me but as i moved away from the window it turned and jumped towards the floor causing some noise . Bending down from the window i expected someone to come here , but for 2 mins there was no one.

'the owner must not be at home or if he is , he must be pretty lazy' 
I turned away ready to go home when i heard shuffling sounds. I quickly hid below the window and after a couple of minutes i decided to finally take a look at what is going on in there .

The lights were switched on now and in the middle of the kitchen stood a girl with her back facing me . Her long luscious brown hair swayed when she moved out of the kitchen while switching of the lights. Me being curious to see her face lifted myself a little more and when she took a turn for maybe another room i saw the kitten in her arms , lifting my eyes to her face i saw a kind smile but it was just for a split second because now she disappeared in her house.

Taking a satisfied breath that she is in a kind persons hands i started walking towards the road back to my house when i heard my phone vibrating . I took it out from my back pocket. Staring at the screen i immediately knew that its going to be a tough long night  .. ' i saved the kitten but who's gonna save me now'

 ' i saved the kitten but who's gonna save me now'

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__Author __

Small chapter..but its just the starting
What is Nathan afraid of or should we say who ? ...
Well we'll find out eventually

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