Chapter 21

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Jamie had recovered by Dinner, he had passed out from the pain of his hand, the Maester used old methods, frowned upon methods

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Jamie had recovered by Dinner, he had passed out from the pain of his hand, the Maester used old methods, frowned upon methods. Me and Brianne were given gowns, I felt like myself.
"I see my men have finally found you something appropriate to wear." Roose Bolton says to Brianne, who looks uncomfortable
"Yes. Most kind of them. You're a Stark bannerman, Lord Bolton. I am acting on Lady Stark's orders to return Jaime Lannister to King's Landing." Brianne says and Jamie struggles with his steak, she stabs his steak for him.
"When King Robb left Harrenhal, his mother was his prisoner. If she wasn't his mother, he'd have hanged her for treason." Roose Bolton says.
"My aunt doesn't deserve this slander!" I say and he ignores me
"I should send you back to Robb Stark." He says and i nod.
"You should. But instead, you're sitting here watching me fail at dinner. Why might that be?" Jamie asks, we all look at him.
"Wars cost money. Many people would pay a great deal for you." Rose Bolton says.
"We both know who would pay the most. Or make you pay the most if he found out you had captured me and sent me back up north for a summary execution." Jamie says and I look at him, gesturing for him to stop.
"As soon as you're well enough to travel, I will allow you to go to King's Landing as restitution for the mistakes my soldiers made. And you will swear to tell your father the truth, that I had nothing to do with your maiming." He says holding up a drink.
"Shall we drink on it?" He says and i stop him.
"Don't leave me here." I whisper to him.
"Come with me, be my wife." He says holding up his cup.
"Your ladies will not be accompanying you. Lady Roslyn shall be returned to her family and Lady Brianne taken to answer for her crimes." Roose says and I stand up.
"Lady Brianne shall stay with me." I say and Roose laughs.
"Lady Roslyn, your worth more than all of them, your babies are the next king and queen. Us allowing you to stay is enough, I could send you back, your the most wanted lady in the seven kingdoms." He says and I sit back down in defeat.

I assumed Jamie had left, left me and our babies. I hated him for that.
"I thought you were gone." I say soothing Baby Alicent to sleep.
"I couldn't leave without saying goodbye." He says taking Alicent off me.
"Your abandoning me again, I don't want my babies to grow up without a father." I say and he kisses her forehead.
"I have to go. Cersei needs me." He says and I look at him.
"Do you love her more than me?" I ask and he looks at me.
"Roslyn is that even a question?" He says and I take Alicent off him.
"Don't lie to me, you love her more." I say rocking her myself.
"I have always loved her, I'm sorry." He says and I turn around
"You would have been an awful father." I say and he tries to turn me around.
"Roslyn, please." He pleads.
"The only thing whag got me through king's landing is that you loved me, and that you would care for my children. I thought we would marry, you said it yourself yesterday. But as soon as your beloved sister is in the picture, you go back to her." I say opening the door.
"I don't want you near my children." I say pushing him out. He left and I started to sob.

He left that morning, Brianne and I travelled with the Bolton's I had no idea what they were going to do with her. Personally I didn't want to know. I was separated with her all day, until I was called to watch the match. Brianne was given a wooden sword, to fight a savage bear.
"What on earth are you doing? She can't fight that!" I yell as the bear is released.
"She's paying for her crimes." A man says to me, the one who originally captured me.
"Let her go!" I order and he laughs.
"Brianne hang in there!" I yell as I see Jamie come up the stairs.
"Save her!" I yell to him and he nods. I watch fearfully as the bear breaks her sword and claws her, I can barely watch when Jamie jumps into the ring, pulling her up behind him, I was unsure what they would do, so I grab a crossbow off one guard and shoot the bear.
"What the fuck are you doing woman?" The man yells at me.
"Saving them!" I yell back dropping the crossbow.
"Pull her up!" Jamie yells and I quickly drop to the floor to grab Brianne's hand. She goes up and orders people to grab her legs as she hands off, trying to save Jamie.
"Pull him up!" She yells and many people hold their hands out. He grabs her hand as he narrowly escapes death, i pull him of the ground and hug him tightly.
"You came back." I whisper and he hugs me.
"The bitch stays." The man says and he pulls away.
"We're taking her to King's Landing. Unless you kill me." He says and Brianne gets up, this wasn't about me, it was about her.
"She belongs to me. Lord Bolton's orders" the man says, Jamie rolls his eyes
"What do you think is more important to Lord Bolton? Getting his pet rat a reward or ensuring Tywin Lannister gets his son back alive?" He says and the men prepare to fight but the man stops
"Well, we must be on our way. Sorry about the sapphires." Jamie says as him and Brianne, push through the crowds and walk off, without a goodbye to me, shows how little I mean to him.

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