Chapter 28: Finally Together

Start from the beginning

I ll take it from here. And with that, she closed the door, leaving the two of them together

Y/N 's POV

Decreasing the distance between us, one cautious step after the other, I smiled tenderly towards the redhead. If only I could run into her arms and kiss her once again, I would... But I want her to adjust for a while, after all... Seeing someone that had been dead for a year would be a shock... Even for the Dean of Evil

You're such a mess... I chuckled softly, but she only stared with wide eyes, perceiving if she has finally lost her mind. I inhaled with as deep breath and a heaved a sigh if... I had known that someday I would cause you pain and misery... I never should've pushed my feelings for you ... Slightly tearing up, as I imagined how hard it was for her all this time ... And it was because of me... It kills me how broken you've become...  Gazing slowly on the floor,I clutched the dress and sobbed.  And I understand if you don't want anything to do with me from now on... I'd understand if you regret loving me... I heard shuffling and the familiar click of heels getting closer, but I dare not look into her eyes, for guilt was slowly eating my whole soul... I-if you want I can even erase your memories... But I'd beg and kneel until my knees break you rather not..

Finally infront of me, but I can only see her lower half of her body, her hands slowly crept to my face, as she cupped it and guided my head up, making me finally look in to her eyes filled with yearn and ache. I haven't got insane, have I? Her words barely a whisper, as if she's asking herself, desperately making sure her last thread of sanity hasn't snapped.

I caressed her slightly trembling hands and shook my head. Perfectly sane Nora. Her eyes widened for the last time and started to become cloudy as she embraced me with the most warm and desperate hug we both craved for. I gently stroke her back, assuring the my presence isn't just mere illusion, while she clutched my clothes a little too tight, but I didn't struggle or pushed her, we just stood there as we enjoyed each other's company.

F*ck.. saying that I missed you would be an understatement my love. Upon hearing the new endearment my breath hitched and my hands ceased it's movement on her back, while I struggled a little to comprehend what she meant... But when I did, I gasped with joy s-say that again Nora she lets go of the hug and leaned her face a little closer to mine and grinned playfully while pulling my waist to hers  whatever do you mean my love? As the words slipped off her mouth I stood on my toes and claimed her lips, surprising her, but not even seconds passed she recovered and kissed back but with more passion and hunger, leaving me completely breathless and dominated.

I slung both of my arms on her neck as a support when I felt myself getting a little dizzy from the slow lacking of air, she noticed it and parted a little for me to take a short breath, but quickly sealed my lips again, but this time, her hand travelled on my nape and deepened the kiss, her hot tongue wasted no second in entering my mouth and explored every inch with it... It was simply a divine feeling

I whimpered in her mouth making her grin as she lets go of my panting figure, eyes clouded with pure need and lust, aching to feel her warmth once again. Don't you ever leave me again my love.. I smiled and nodded eagerly Never again Nora. She cupped my cheek and looked at me with all seriousness of her body, and I am gravely determined to keep it that way, you won't be leaving my side any time soon my love.

Her hand played with my hair as she continued her words.

If I had to lock you up in a birdcage only for me to gaze upon, to feel your addicting warmth, your voice, touch and scent, I ll glady do that, if it means keeping you away from danger.

I shivered in her arms while I let her words of obsession sink in, perks of being a submissive and a masochistic little b*tch, you get dominated and get hurt, tortured, abused, restrained, whereas pain keeps other away but it keeps you yearning for more.

I wouldn't fit inside a birdcage Nora. I chuckled softly while she smiled and answered in earnest, eyes glinting playfully it's a good thing I learned some shrinking magic right? My eyes widened and smacked her arm due to her humor... Or is she serious? That's hot

You wouldn't I jokingly threatened her, but she merely shrugged and kissed my lips, making me moan in surprise, it was just like a quick peck, then after that she kissed my forehead lovingly depends on the situation my love.

The loud banging on the door caught our attention, earning an irritated groan from Nora, she was supposed to answer but the screaming of my angry sister spoke first

Hey! I heard moaning! Don't you dare sleep with my sister tonight!! The click of doorknob indicated she was barging in, but Nora shut and locked the door with magic.

What?! Hey stop pulling me Anadil! Clearly her friends are trying to get my sister out of the grave she's trying to dig herself.

I will not stop! I can't go back to sleep when I found out my sister who's been dead for a whole f*cking year is not beside me!

Oh stop this pesky whining Aurellia. She hissed while massaging her temple to reduce the incoming headache

I'm her sister! She hissed back, making Nora grunt in annoyance, she pulled my waist closer to her and clutched me defensively I'm her lover

My blush returned upon her sudden actions, while being amused at their bickering about who gets to be with me tonight... Aurellia is losing sorely..

Blood is thicker than water! I felt Nora rolled her eyes, but what she said made me confused about her point that I just suddenly answered back without filtering my thoughts


Cum is thicker than blood... What's your point sis? It was a moment of silence when I said that, as if everyone, including me, letting the answer sink in... But when it did, Nora huffed and smirked triumphantly making Aurellia squeak a "what"

Well I guess we have a winner.
Nora proudly said

Aurellia was still banging the door when suddenly we heard her being dragged away, I assume, by Hester.

Shall we go to bed my love? You must've been exhausted

Shower first Nora, I still smell like the dead I chuckled as I made my way to the bathroom, but I was surprised when Nora was following me didn't I told you? You're never leaving my side my love. I felt my body shiver and blush when I started to realize what could be the outcome tonight, but did I tried to stop that? Never! The moans within the walls will be considered as an announcement that the music teacher has come back from the dead!

A/N: hmmm I don't know if I'm going to make a smut chapter after this, but your thoughts and opinion are gladly welcome because I'm running low in ideas! For those who read the fan fic all the way till the end, I am grateful for that! I love you all and as always, have a great day everyone!

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now