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Day 1 Final Selection Mountain 


Tanjiro sighed as he relaxed in the reassurance of a purple glow around him. Wisteria trees were growing, protecting him from any demon who dared to come by. The picky creatures wouldn't come near the flowers, providing the perfect protection for the exhausted boy.

After an entire week of running around that mountain, Tanjiro was glad to be done with this test. And most of all, glad to be alive.


A groan of agony reached Tanjiro's ears. It was weak. He looked up. Was someone in trouble? Did they need medical attention? Was there a person dying?


A person was dying of hunger.

Tanjiro followed the sounds to see a certain girl with a straw hat sprawled out on the ground, staring up at the sky, sword in her left hand and the grip was so loose, a baby could take it away.

"Ah, Y/N-san!" Tanjiro exclaimed, hurrying over to the girl. The girl weakly looked up.

"Eh? Who are you?" She asked. He deadpanned. She forgot him already? Well, to be fair, they hadn't seen each other in 6 days.

"I'm Kamado Tanjiro. You helped me a couple of days back." He reminded her.

"That's nice." She replied, looking away, not really caring.

"Are you okay? Why are you on the ground?" Tanjiro asked, genuinely concerned.  

"I'm stravinggggg..."

"Oh. Well, I don't have much, but I do have a rice ba-"



Tanjiro smiled as he watched Y/N chow down on the extra rice ball. She looked adorable as she stared at it with bright, kiddy eyes.

"Thanks Tanjiro!"

"You're welcome."

Tanjiro had learned a lot about Y/N in the last 30 minutes spent together. One, she has no navigational skills whatsoever. After she ate the first rice ball, she asked where they were supposed to go. Once he told her, she went in the exact opposite way. The path was literally laced with wisteria trees, it's literally impossible to miss.

Unless you're Y/N.

Two, she is always hungry. After he stopped her from going the wrong way, the girl got hungry again. She started eating the wisteria, but Tanjiro stopped her immediately since this was someone else's property. Then she tried to eat a bug she found, and that's when he found the rice ball, saving that bug and him from seeing something disgusting.

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