Chapter 3

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Heya everyone! Aurora speaking here and yay!

I have updated!

I guess the "I will update real soon" is here? That's because my phone's here!

Yay! (Joy activated :P)

Cheerie-o everyone!


Y/N took a forkful on her carbonara and a sip on her milkshake. Aunt Cass told her that she'll be meeting him in a few and with that, she dashed or to take care another customer. She was excited yet nervous whenever she is meeting someone new. And that's one thing she liked about herself.

She took another fork from her pasta when a raven-haired boy, wearing a red shirt and a blue hoodie went downstairs and to Aunt Cass. They seem to have a little talk with each other, she thought. In a few moments, the
boy turned towards her and Y/N panicked. "You know what Y/N," she started to mutter. "Just act casual. Everything is going to be just fine when you just take a..."

"Are you okay there?" someone asked. She craned her neck to who it was. I spoke too soon, she thought.

"Hi there," he said.

"Un, hi?" she also said, awkwardly.

He clared his throat. "So Aunt Cass said you just moved in here. Am I right?"

"Yes," she replied as she ate. "Yes I do."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N," he stated. "I'm Hiro."

How'd he know my name?

Y/N was now curious about his name. "Is it Hiro with an 'e' it sonething?"

Hito smiled, remembering something in the past. "It's 'Hiro' with an 'i'." He chuckled a bit. "Yeah, crazy right? I know my name kinda sounds like 'hero' with an 'e'."

"Now, it makes sense," Y/N said to herself.

Y/N already finished eating and stood up. "Well, it's nice meeting you, Hiro. I have to get going now."

"So soon?" he retorted.

Y/N nodded. "I still have to help my parents unpack some stuff."

"Oh," mumbled Hiro. "I understand if you want to leave."

Y/N studied his face. "Are you okay?"

"It's just that I have to show you something," he said. "Aunt Cass told me that you really love robots."

She smiled. "Indeed, I do." She looked back at their new house. "But I guess the helping could wait. Lead the way, please."

Hiro smiled as Y/N followed him. "You're going to love this robot."

Y/N's robotic interest lit up. "Ooh! Does it run in solar power? 'Cause I haven't seen one before."

"Nice point, though. You'll know it when you see it."


Yeah, I know it's kinda short but I just want you to give a little bit of a guessing game here...

And yes, you might think that I'm already tuning this one into a Hiro x Reader but no no no.

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