9. A Nice Start To the Morning

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Felix POV:

I slowly opened my eyes only to see Sheba looking down at me worryingly.

    "OH, thank goodness. You scared me there Feel!"

I sat up holding my head, I was strangely dizzy.

    "Oh my... Was it all a dream? It was so real..."

    "What'chu talkin' 'bout? What dream?"

We looked at each other till I heard another voice from behind me. Soon followed by other high pitched voices.

    "How are you now sir?"

    "Are you okay?"

    "Mr Felix!!"

Looking behind me I saw that it was the bunny from yesterday. It'd be hard to forget him...  I could feel my face all flustering up as I stumbled over my next words.

    "OH, I'm fine, I just has a F-fever"

I couldn't stop myself from thinking about his voice, it was just perfect and smooth....

I could practically feel Sheba's looks through my fur...

    "So, this is the 'handsome bunny' you've been rambling 'bout~?"

Sheba was now whispering to me as I couldn't even conjure up actual words to reply.


    "You sure know how to pick 'em, yeah, He's a douche, but he's one hunky douche!"

I couldn't take my eyes off him, he's just the embodiment of perfection...

I could hear Sheba talking behind me but I couldn't pay attention to her, I was just completely focused on him...

I quickly fixed myself and stood up, wow... he's rather tall...

    "I don't want to waste your time, but I needed to say that..."

I cut him off before he could even finish what he was saying..

    "NO, not at all!! In fact, I so totally fancy your voice! It's divine!"

I didn't even think about what I was saying, it just slipped and I said it.

I continued to look up at him and I saw his cheeks flush, probably out of embarrassment...

    "Umm... Thanks? I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I treated you last time..."

    "What? Psshh, Nah, No need for that..."

I still cannot believe that I just said that, way to go Felix!!

But, I can't help but notice as I'm looking at him, he looks different than last time, not just in clothes I mean, changing clothes is normal... I mean he appears less sad, but I could always just go on and on about how he looks... I am very glad he is doing better though...

I watched as he walked past me back to the bench he was previously sitting on, he was reaching for what appeared to be pancakes...


Bianca POV

We were sitting in the cafe from a few days ago, when we first arrived in ToonTown. To think last time we were here Cuphead was trying to kill us, with no success to say the least.

I slightly giggled to myself as Bendy tilted his head at me in confusion, to think he'd know by now not to question it.

    "Yo Doll! Three Lattes and two muffins please!"

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