" They got me." I said dapping Big A & Troy.

Troy shook his head,"  I thought you would've been out the street grandson. You had it all, why would you just leave yo two kids behind like that."

I sucked my teeth," Dude killed Emoni and My unborn child. He came back for me but Ian go out like no sissy."

" What's her name?" Big A asked.

" Whose?"

" Yo daughter."

" True."

" Nah I'm talking bout the third one."

My eyes grew big," Where is she? Where my babies?"

" Your daughter with granny, and emoni I don't know where she at."

I smiled dapping them all up," Thank y'all!" I said before rushing to find my grandma.

After I chatted it up with my grandma, I took my daughter and I decided to look around for Emoni.

When I came across this family sitting by a pond, it was a woman that was a spitting image of Emoni she looked about in her mid 40's.

I was about to walk away but something told me to go over there, and once I did my heart felt stopped.

" Emoni?!"

" Dayvon!" Emoni jumped up," Dayvon what are you doing here?"

" God needed me back." I said as I pecked her lips," They couldn't keep me from you for long."

Emoni smiled looking down at our daughter," I missed you and our babies so much. Did they?"

I shook my head no," Just me."

Before she open her mouth to responded the lady that look just like her cleared her throat." Are you going to introduce us?"

" Oh I'm sorry! " she exclaimed," Dayvon, this is my mother Tiana, My brother Quinn, my auntie Tracy, my grandma Tasha & my grandpa Ern."

I greeted them all with a smile," Emoni told me a lot about y'all. A pleasure to finally meet y'all."

" Who's he?" Grandma Tasha asked.

" This is my finance, Dayvon." She said with a smile.

I sat down with them, with baby heaven in my arms. We spent time talking and getting to know each other.

" Is that the lightskin that be sliding down tubs!" Booka voiced sounded behind us making Me and Emoni look back.

" Booka!" Emoni jumped up chest bumping him making me scrunch my face up.

" Who's he?" Her family asked.

" That's my brudda, your daughter is loved by many."

Then they lived happy ever after.


and this book is done🫶🏾, long live grandson. It's about to be three years since you been gone and i swear it don't feel like it. We love you so much Dayvon and we forever keeping yo name alive!

Thank everybody for supporting me, and reading my books it means a lot! Especially when yall be commenting, I love reading the comments it be motivating me to write

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Thank everybody for supporting me, and reading my books it means a lot! Especially when yall be commenting, I love reading the comments it be motivating me to write. Love all yall! Stay tuned for new books cause 2023 ima bring! Thank you.

- Sincerely, PradaBarb🫶🏾

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