Santana Part 1

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"Matt!" I shrieked, watching from the edge of the ramp as he was power-bombed through the stage before the two men turned their attention back to my other brother. Brandon rushed from the back and threw himself over Nick in hopes they'd stop and not attack his leg any more than they already had. "Matty." I was in tears now, crawling towards the hole, not sure what I was going to find at the bottom, but noticing he was at least still breathing, and medics were already moving the rubble to get to him. Pushing up to my feet, I turned to see Santana and Ortiz advancing on Brandon and Nick with ill intent evident in their movements. "Enough," I snapped, grabbing Santana's arm and pullingace me. "Olivia, don't," Brandon warned, shrinking back as Ortiz turned back to him with a glare. "You've done enough. Just leave," I advised, dropping my grip on the man, now unsure I made the right choice, as he looked down at me with a nasty-looking smirk. "You made your point. So go." I repeated, never dropping eye contact even though I wanted to shy away. "Alright, we'll go." he finally nodded, and both men moved to walk away, only to turn around suddenly. "We lied," Ortiz cackled, but I was faster and put myself between them and Nick before they could attack him and Brandon again. "Peanut," Santana sighed, dropping to a knee and putting him just below my eye level. "You should run while you still can," he warned, his words making me freeze hearing the warning hidden within. I didn't have time to react as Private Party showed up, attracting their attention. The distraction gave security and the referees the chance to finally remove the two new arrivals to the roster from the stage. 

Now that the immediate danger was removed, Brandon and I got Nick up to his feet and started helping him get to the trainer's room. "Oh, thank god," I cried, seeing Matt already seated on one of the beds being attended to, Brandon getting Nick seated before he left to continue doing his job. "I'm okay, Oli," my oldest brother muttered, opening his arms carefully for me to fall into. "You do not go anywhere alone, do you understand me?" he snarled as Doc wrapped some ice around his shoulder. "Matt, I get it, but you can't be with me every second," I sighed, pulling back, not wanting to piss him off anymore but knowing the obvious had to be said. "I can try." He snapped, glaring down at the floor as Doc moved onto Nick, the better off of the two brothers. "And look what they did to you; we all just need to stay out of their way," I sighed, curling back into his arms. "I want to keep an eye on both of you the rest of the night," Doc stated. At the same time, my phone chimed with a text message.  "Ugh, TK is having some issues with the girls at the curtain. I'll be back," I sighed, sending Matt a look as he tried to stop me from leaving. "Be careful," he finally sighed, giving me a stern look before I exited the room and headed to deal with whatever problem TK was having. Thankfully, it was nothing serious; it was just a case of everyone thinking they deserved more than they were getting and not wanting to be the one to take the pin. This was a conversation I dealt with just about every week, so within a couple of minutes, everyone was calmed down and ready for their match, which meant I could get back to my brothers. 

I couldn't stop the scream that pushed past my lips as I was suddenly dragged into a dark locker room, the door slamming shut and the light flipping on a moment later to reveal the Inner Circle staring back at me. "Nope," I squeaked, rushing for the door only to slam into Santana's chest before I could reach it. "Not so fast, Peanut." he tsked, pushing me back around much more gently than I had anticipated from the man. "What do you want?" I finally asked, crossing my arms over my chest and trying to step further from the group of people before me, only to bump into Santana's chest. "You're not stupid, Olivia." Chris snorted. "No, I'm not stupid, but I'm also not a mind reader, Chris." I sassed back,  "I can understand these two." I gestured to Ortiz and behind me, where Santana stood between me and the door. "But what do you three want?" I asked, gesturing to him, Sammy, and Hager. "We're a team doll. What one of us wants, all of us want," the older male started. "First, don't call me doll." I snapped, interrupting wherever he was going with this. "Second, if you two," I started, turning to face Santana and Ortiz. "Want a match with my brothers? This isn't the way to get it." I said, "Attacking them during the show, running your mouths." I continued, "Kidnapping me is not going to work," I added, gesturing to the situation I had found myself in. "If you want your shot. Earn it just like everyone else." I faded off, looking between the two. "I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt, and I'll give you a match with Private Party next Wednesday." I sighed, knowing they still deserved matches and a chance to work up the rankings like everyone else. "Now, if that's all this was about, can I go?" I asked, turning back to Chris, who was frowning as if I had stolen all his thunder. "Fine," he mumbled, his childlike response making me roll my eyes as I vacated the room. 

Now that I was free, I couldn't help but sigh in relief; that was the second time tonight I had found myself pressed up close to the New York Native in Santana, and each time, it felt like I couldn't breathe. The man's scent surrounded me, confusing me and distracting me from the fact that I shouldn't have any feelings for the man since he had attacked my brothers and others on the roster since they had shown up. If my brothers even thought I was interested in the older man, I would never see the world outside the hotel room again. "Hey, what took so long?" Nick asked as I stepped back into the trainer's room. "I don't wanna be the loser; why can't they lose? Why do I have to take the pin? Why can't she take the pin?" I mocked the girls as I hopped up to sit beside Matt, "And Private Party is facing Santana and Ortiz next week; TK made the match official a little bit ago," I sighed, having texted the man and gotten the okay on my way back. "Why is he giving them anything" Matt snorted, poking at the ice pack on his shoulder. "If I had to guess, he's trying to give them an opportunity to get to you the right way?" I suggest hoping TK wouldn't say anything to them about how I was the one who suggested the match. "Well, if they do somehow get to us 'the right way,'" Matt mocked. "You won't be anywhere near it. Who knows what they would do if they got the chance and lost?" he pointed out, his words true, but somewhere deep inside of me, I knew Santana would never hurt me.

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