~pills pt. 1~

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i DO NOT have bipolar disorder! i don't know anyone with bipolar disorder! i have done my best to gather information online about it however, it may or may not be accurate! i am going to try my best to make it accurate according to my understanding of the disorder but please know that it may not be entirely accurate.


"Hey baby, it's time to wake up. We've got class in an hour." Enid said as she kissed my forehead. I sighed and rolled on out of bed. I grabbed my uniform out of the closet and tossed it onto the bed. Enid left the room to go take a shower.

Once she had left the room, I went over to my dresser and opened the top drawer. Digging around, I reached into the back of the drawer and pulled out my pill bottle.

It was empty.

Crap. I had totally forgotten to refill my prescription yesterday. Ugh, how could I have been so stupid.

I rolled my eyes and went to get changed into my uniform.


Enid's POV-

I hopped out of the shower, threw on a bit of makeup, and got changed into my uniform. I came out of the bathroom to find Wednesday laying on our bed, staring up at the ceiling. 

"You ready to go, loves?" I asked.

She slowly stood up and grabbed her backpack. I grabbed mine too and off we went.

Walking to class Wednesday was rather quiet.

"You okay, Wens?" I asked, wrapping an arm around her.

"I'm fine." She replied plainly.

"Do you wanna grab something to eat before class?" I asked, thinking she might've just been hungry.

"No, I'm not hungry."


In class, Ms. Thornhill called on Wednesday to name the flower we'd been studying. When she called on her, Wednesday couldn't answer it.

"Uhm... I-I can't remember..." She mumbled, looking down.

"Very well... Enid, could you tell us what flower this is?"

"It's the Helleborus 'Onyx Odyssey,' Ms. Thornhill." I replied.

"Very good, Enid! Nice to know that at least someone's paying attention." 

I looked over to see Wednesday, face down, staring at the desk.

"Are you okay loves? You knew that answer, it's one of the flowers in your garden." I said, tapping her on the shoulder.

She blinked a ton and then looked up at me.

"Sorry, what?" She asked.

"I... nevermind, it's nothing." I replied.


I walked with Wednesday to her fencing class. While we were walking, I snaked my hand into Wednesday's.

"Your hand is too warm." She said, letting go of my hand and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is this more comfortable?" I asked as I wrapped an arm around her. She stepped away.

"Can you please just stop touching me?" She asked.

"I was- I-I'm sorry, I'll stop." I stuttered, confused. I knew Wednesday wasn't a fan of contact but she usually didn't mind it from me. She must've just been having a bad day.

While Wednesday was in fencing, I had a break between my classes so I headed back to our dorm.

When I flopped down on me and Wednesday's bed, my eyes fell on a small, orange container. It was sat on the edge of Wednesday's dresser.

Curious, I hopped up and went to see what it was. Then I realized what it was...

It was a pill bottle.


(534 Words)


as i said at the start of this chapter...

i DO NOT have bipolar disorder! i don't know anyone with bipolar disorder! i have done my best to gather information online about it however, it may or may not be accurate! i am going to try my best to make it accurate according to my understanding of the disorder but please know that it may not be entirely accurate.

also, please don't read this and go

"hmm. i do that sometimes. i must be bipolar."

if you believe you may have bipolar disorder please go see a psychiatrist to get an professional's opinion!

hope you guys like this lil miniseries so far!

stay lovely! <3

Wednesday x Enid One Shots (Wenclair) - Helplessly In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now