I Pick My Poison And It's You.....

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The sun beaming into my room was telling me to get up, but I wasn't ready to face the world today, if I had my own way I would stay in bed all day long. I felt like strange sensation come over me like I was scared of something, like something was watching me. I slowly opened my eyes turning my head to the right to see Klaus, but his side of the bed was empty. I sat up and looked around the room and I couldn't see him anywhere.

"Klaus?" I called out as I got up from the bed, I couldn't see anyone but I felt like I was being watched, maybe am being paranoid. I walked over to the fireplace and grabs a poker, only to turn around and see my deranged grandmother standing a foot away from me.

"Hello again, Isabella." She spoke darkly, how the hell was she here? Actually how the hell did she even know where my dorm was?

"I thought dad locked you in the cellar." I was trying so hard to mask my fear but failed epically, she stood there with this sadistic smirk on her face, right now I could really do with my hybrid boyfriend to burst though that doors.

"He did, but prisons are easily escaped—" Wonderful she escaped and she came here to torment me, how much suffering did she want to cause this family? I'm growing to hate her more and more by the minute.

"What do you want?" I didn't understand out of all places she comes here, she turned Nico evil, my mom human, what the hell did she want from me?

"Must I constantly repeat myself? If you don't know what I want by now..." She was still on the bring my vampire doll house back train, hadn't she got it into that thick skull of hers that it's gone, there no way of bringing them back.

"You want your creepy witch-vampire family back. Well, at the risk of repeating myself, there's no way." I smiled, as I tried to push by her, but she grabbed hold of me forcefully, her crazy eyes boring into mine while she held that sadistic smirk.

"Isn't there? What's that term you witches are so fond of? "Loophole?" With you being what you are, maybe a Bennett witch won't be necessary." She was deranged, lost it completely while being locked up, why haven't we killed her yet?

"Hmm. Even if there is a loophole, I won't help you find it. You really think I would help you after—" I began to say as she dangerously began to approach me looking unhinged.

"Oh, you've made your position quite clear. Apparently I failed to do the same, because you seem to think that I'm here for your help." She vamps out, taking me by surprise. "I'm not." I wasn't going to be a next meal nor was I going to be bullied to help her, I raised my hand up.

"Phesmatos incendia." Nothing happens, right now my magic want to go on the fritz? Natalia stood there chuckling, which just pissed me off further.

"Hmm. Those are lovely words, Isabella. Here's another one... die." Natalia vamp-speeds towards me but before she could get close I stabbed her in the stomach with the poker. Natalia gasps in pain, I used that as my opportunity to runs away. I ran out the door and looks back one more time to make she wasn't coming after me, but when I turns back around, I ran straight into someone, I looked up to see that it was Kai, this couldn't be possible...

"Wow, you are not good at running." He spoke in his typical teasing manner, he couldn't be here, he was locked away in the prison world, Bonnie and I made sure of that.

"Motus." Once again I tried to do a spell but nothing happened, what the hell was going on? Kai stood there laughing in amusement.

"No magic? Oh, that's my fault, lover boy left and you looked all lonely, so I thought to be nice and spoon you." The thought of Kai being anywhere near my made my skin literally crawl. "I think I might've sleep-siphoned you. Oh, but keep trying. It's adorable, like you're having a little seizure." He spoke mockingly, I didn't get any of this, and how could it be possible for him to be here...

'Inflamed Passion' A Damon Salvatore Love Story. Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant