Chapter 1: Zander's approval

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      Jake walked down the hallway, his palms were sweaty, and he couldn't seem to focus. He kept trying to remember exactly what to say, to make sure he doesn't screw anything up, but bad thoughts kept intruding. "I have to realize how bad of an outcome this plan could get..." he thought to himself. He scanned the hallways for any purple hair, but couldn't see any. Oh! Luke! He smiled as he saw Luke standing at the end of the hall, carrying a stack of books. He walked towards him nervously, but he knew he needed to talk to him. "Luke! Hey!" He smiled anxiously as he approached him. Luke looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "What now Jake? Can you please leave us alone?" Luke looked annoyed. And he had every right to be. "Luke please... you guys still didn't give me a chance to explain, I beg you, please give me one more chance! You can reject my explanation, you have every right to! But please listen to me, just once." He begged. Luke stared at him for a few seconds, then sighed. "I'll listen, but I doubt anyone else will... especially Hailey and Zander." Luke shrugged. Jake looked at the floor in shame, and tears clouded his vision. "I wish I could take every single word back..." He said, his voice breaking. Luke shook his head in disappointment. "Luke!" Someone suddenly screamed. It was Zander. He was smiling at first, but his smile turned into a frown when his eyes settled on Jake. "What now asshat?" He said stopping beside Luke. "Zander, please before you say anything let me explain!" Jake put his hands up, trying to calm him down before he starts a fit. "Listen to me please! Just for a moment!" His eyes filled with tears again. Zander's scowl never left his face as he watched him. "You're a pathetic manipulator, keep your tears to yourself." Zander growled. Jake nodded frantically, and wiped the tears away quickly. Luke looked at him in pity. "Can we talk somewhere private?" Jake asked as he noticed a few people stopping to look at them. Zander grabbed Jake's arm aggressively , and dragged him behind them to the music room. The three of them entered and closed the door. "You have 5 minutes to explain." Zander said coldly. "Yes! Yes." Jake agreed quickly. "Well... the recording was recorded back at Drew's place." He explained. Zander rolled his eyes, and Luke listened attentively. "The guys, they were teasing me about Daisy, and I was sitting there awkwardly trying to get them to stop, when suddenly Zoey and Lia mentioned something about Daisy and Sean being a thing, and they showed me proof." Zander frowned deeply, and Luke looked at him in confusion. Jake went on to explain everything that happened, from what his friends said, to Jake's thoughts, to what he said in the recording. Zander and Luke seemed to be listening attentively, and Luke nodded every now and then. When he finished, Zander took a deep breath. "I have one comment." Zander looked at Jake frowning. "Your 'friends' are complete assholes, and it isn't such a big surprise that you are just like them." Zander scowled. Jake put his head down. "How do we know you're not lying?" Asked Luke, a hint of suspicion in his voice. "All I can do is hope you believe me... I swear on my life that I'm telling the truth, and I hope you believe me. If you don't though, I don't blame you... I wouldn't believe me either." He said ashamedly. Zander and Luke looked at each other. Zander frowned and shook his head. Luke shook his head and shrugged. Zander sighed and crossed his arms, his jaw muscle flexed, showing how visibly annoyed he was. "We will give you the benefit of the doubt for now Jake." Said Luke seriously. "But if this turns out to be another one of your sick jokes, I won't leave you be... and that's a promise." He threatened. Jake nodded quickly. "It isn't! I promise!" He assured them. Both Luke and Zander started walking out the door but Jake stopped them by shouting : "Zander wait!" Zander turned around, annoyed. "What now? I listened to you!" He growled. "I just need your approval." Jake quickly said. Zander looked at him in confusion. "Approval to what?" Jake bit his lip, then he stammered "I need your approval to talk to Hailey." He felt his face burn. Zander raised an eyebrow, then nodded. Jake's eyes widened and he smiled. "Thank you!" He said gratefully. "But listen, if you hurt her more than you already have, I will break you." He glared at him, then walked out the door, Luke at his heels. Jake sighed a sigh of relief. "I promise I will fix it..." He said to himself, and walked out into the hallway.

One More Chance~ (The Music Freaks) Jailey fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora