Chapter 5

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(Gladio's POV)

The following day, Gladio was on the ground running with Nyx, riding chocobos. Before the Shield had gone to bed, Ignis had handed him an elixir and he was healed completely except for the scar left behind on his leg. He needed to find Sky soon. He wasn't about to let her disappear. They roamed around the Cape Caem area as Cor checked Galdin Quay and Drautos in Hammerhead. Ignis, Noctis and Prompto were heading towards Lestallum in the Regalia hoping to run into her. He managed to find tire tracks in the dirt as they got close to the Coernix Bypass parking spot. He thought about where they would take her. She was a quiet person all in all, even in pain. There was old buildings close to Fort Vaullerey that had been abandoned for years. If she had escaped she would have to take the road or...

"Nyx! We need to follow this damn river up stream!" Gladio looks towards Nyx as the male nods at him in agreement, apparently showing that he had thought the same thing. "She could be in three places. There's a Royal Tomb in the Greyshire Glacial Grotto, Burbost Souvenir Emporium or Mynbrum Haven."

The pair dash off on their chocobos towards the first place that would be closer for them to check; the haven. The campfire looked like it hadn't been lit in months. Arriving at Burbost was just as depressing. None of the locals there had seen the female. Gladio only hoped that the female was at the entrance to the Royal Tomb. Trotting to the tomb, he notices tire tracks again. He looks towards Nyx as he nods, pressing his ear piece to reach Drautos or Cor. The Shield gets off his chocobo and starts looking around. He feels the water from the river and knows it was warm enough to not get her sick and cover her scent. He looks around the area, not seeing anything to suggest she was here. Something in his gut was telling him to stay here or at least nearby. Nyx stands beside him him as he drops a tent bag.

"Let's set up somewhere near by. Cor will be by with lights." The male Glaive watches as the Shield stands up and shakes his head.

"No. We go back to the haven. If we set up here and Sky does head this way, she might think it's him."

Night falls over the sky as the boys settle down at the haven. Nyx is on the phone with Noctis as Gladio sits next to the fire. He leans back at looks up at the sky above him, hoping to the Six she makes it somewhere safe. He knew she could survive on her own without help but he was worried that she was severely injured. He sighs and heads towards the tent to try and get sleep as Nyx takes first watch.

Please survive, baby girl. We need you.

(Sky's POV)

Sky surfaces the water as she gasps for air. Her legs were screaming as well as her arms. She grasps onto the rocks in the Grotto hoping to get herself behind the waterfall but her now broken left leg wasn't helping her situation at all. Gritting her teeth, she gets herself onto a flat surface as she gets herself up on her feet. She hobbles her way behind the water and slides down the wall to the entrance of the cave. The Shadow would go hide in the Royal Tomb but she wasn't fit for a fight. She summons her daggers and keeps them in her hands as she allows herself to relax. She closes her eyes and keeps her ears open. Footsteps echo above her as she holds her breath. Rocks fall into the water from above her as familiar voices reach her. It was nearing morning already.

"We still haven't found her, Your Majesty... Yes. We have a few places in mind due to Nyx and Gladio... No... We will as soon as we find her." Her eyes widen. It was Cor.

"COR! DOWN HERE!" Sky lets out an ice spell at the waterfall, freezing it immediately.

Frantic footsteps make their way to her to find both Prompto and Cor entering the cave. The blonde gunslinger is the first to rush to her, grabbing her up and holding her. She ignores the pain in her ribs and grips him just as tight. A hand holds the back of her head as she barely hears Prompto yelling something at Cor, who, in return, gets out of the cave with his phone to his ear. The bubbly male goes to pick her up but stops as soon as Sky yelps in pain. He looks at her with furrowed eyebrows and worried eyes. He watches as she grips her left leg and snaps her head to left, towards the dungeon. Prompto summons his gun and puts himself close to Sky as Hector comes out into the light.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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The Shadow and The Shield (Gladiolus Amicitia X OC!Skyanna Cruie)Where stories live. Discover now