Chapter 1

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A roar of an engine could be heard throughout downtown of the Crown City as well as screeching tires. A stolen Camaro raged terror through the streets as a Shelby GT raced after it. The cars dodged through traffic as a white haired female peaks her upper body through the passenger window, holding a dagger in her right hand. Her partner in the Kingsglaive getting the only opportunity to drive the illustrious Shelby GT of the Royal Shadow. Nyx Ulric watches his partner get ready to throw her dagger to warp to only get shot at. The female ducks back into the car with a frown on her face, her partner giving her a smirk in return and a laugh from the back seat from two males. Skyanna Cruie looks into the back seat at both the Prince of Lucis and his best friend.

"Since you're so inclined to laugh, give me your damn sniper, Prom." Baby blue eyes glare at the blonde gunslinger as he sheepishly smiles and summons his sniper rifle. "Thank you. And I swear to the Six, you mention this to either Gladio or Ignis, you'll both be looking like raccoons."

Sky peaks out of the passenger window once again and aims the rifle at one of the back tires. She exhales slowly, steadying her hands while pulling the trigger, successfully popping the back tire. The Camaro swerves from the lack of a tire and ends up rear ending a parked car. Both Nyx and Sky cringe before parking near the car. The white haired female holds the sniper rifle up and aims towards the driver side window. Both males in the front are knocked out from the air bags deploying and Sky quickly straps the rifle to her shoulder as she throws zip tie cuffs on both of them. She looks towards Nyx as he's wearing a sheepish look as he has Cor on the phone. He runs his finger across his neck. Sky curses and heads back towards her car as she looks into the back.

"You two okay?" The Shadow watches as her charge nods and Prompto wears a gigantic grin. She sighs and shakes her head while wearing a smirk. She knew the two always had fun when she had an emergency that Drautos needed her to take care of.

"Well both you and I are going to get reamed when we get back." Nyx walks up to the female as they wait for the police to get there. She sighs.

"I figured as much, especially with Noct in the car. Even though Regis says he needs to see what we do for the citizens of Insomnia."

"He also says the five of you are to see His Majesty as soon as we get back." Nyx watches as both Sky and Noct share a look.

Once the police arrive, Sky takes over driving back to the Citadel. It wasn't too long ago that Nyx had been added to the group to protect Noctis just in case Sky had business else or if anyone else needed a fill in. Cor and Drautos didn't care for that fact but Regis and Clarus had agreed that it was needed. Nyx was a trusted ally and both he and Sky worked well together. The only elephant in the room they needed to fix was the Royal Shield. Gladiolus Amicitia was a hard headed male who always butted heads with Sky on a lot of decisions. Noctis tried to get them to get along after Sky had finished her training with the Kingsglaive. That was three years ago now. The group pulled up into the circle drive of the Citadel as one of the men opened the car doors for the four. Sky tosses the key to Paul as he winks and wishes her luck with dealing with Cor.

Sky keeps herself behind Noctis while Nyx and Prompto stood on each side of him as they walked up the stairs to the main door. The big doors open wide as the group walks in. A knot forms in her stomach as Gladio, Ignis and Cor stand in the center of the room. Fuck. Cor immediately grabs Nyx from the group, Gladio taking his place and Ignis coming to stand next to her. The Royal group heads towards the Throne room, tension rising in the elevator as they all stand in silence. The female glaive could feel the glare on the back of her head from Gladio as she consciously pulls her hood over her head. Noctis slightly nudges her arm with a worried look and she shakes her head at him. She would worry about him later. The elevator dings as they reach their floor, Noctis and Sky taking point as they walk towards the doors to the Throne room. The doors open and Sky makes herself scarce off to the side as the others walk closer to the throne.

The Shadow and The Shield (Gladiolus Amicitia X OC!Skyanna Cruie)Where stories live. Discover now