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( the cafe that they work at looks like the picture above)

Jane pov

It was another normal day i work a job at a normal cafe. Everyday is pretty much the same sometimes i hear gossip about things that happen in the village from my coworkers.

"Hey girl, hows it going" i hear my coworker/ bestfriend Layla's voice. 

" hey Layla, your break started earlier that usual" i say

" yea its not really that busy right now so was able to start my break earlier but nevermind that i heard that William is going to quit working her to go live in the human world permanently" she said

" really? A lot more fairy's have been going to live in human realm lately, i just dont get what is so great about it, from what I've seen of it its really loud and busy there" i say

"You dont like it and yet you do visit the human realm" Layla said

The reason i visit the human realm is because my mother left me to live there permanently when i was 4 i dont have many memories of her but one thing that i do remember is her voice she would sing for me when i was young but beside that i dont have many memories of her. After she left my dad paid even les attention to me he never paid much attention to me but after my mother left i was almost nonexistent for him, which made me learn to take care of my self from a young age i already knew how to cook when i was 5, i would always cook dinner for myself and my dad. And when my dad did notice me he would always find a way to criticise me so i would try no be away form home as much as possible.

" you know i visit the human realm to try and find my mom" i said

" yea I know" she said

"I should get back to work, i still have sewing lessons after work" i said and went back to serve costumers.

~after work~

I walked in to my house after sewing lessons and started cooking dinner. After dinner I turned on the tv the news was on it was talking about some things happening in the human realm, us fairy's can live among humans but the humans have no idea hat we exist so the fairy's that live among the other fairy's can get information about what's happening in the human world from other fairy's that live among the humans. There are some humans that know about fairy's but all those human are under a spell that maks it so they can't tell anybody about the fairy's in anyway possible. The news switched to the weather it was mid January now so it was cold outside in the human realm. Luckily where the fairy colonies are it does not get cold other wise our wings could freeze  so the fairy's that live among humans need to cover up their wings good so they don't freeze. As the news ended an interview show came on and it was interviewing a popular singer.

i did no really pay attention to the interview i was drawing a new dress I wanted to make I always loved to draw my whole life at some point I started to draw clothing more and i wanted to make them. Once i got better at making clothes i made my own web shop where i would sell some of the clothes i made. I would also make clothes for myself rather than buying clothes, i still bought clothes but i made my own more i would sometimes also make clothes for friends for their birthday, people could also commission me to make a specific outfit.

After i was done drawing it was already midnight i did this often where i would stay up late just drawing some days i did not sleep at all for some reason i never liked sleeping it made me feel weird and alone in a weird way I'm mean i was always alone i live on my own and i like being alone but whe i sleep its a different kind of alone not a good one (i hope you understand what i mean with this) I didn't want to go to sleep but i did it anyway.

~the next morning~

Today i was free form work so I decided to go to the human realm to buy some fabric for a commissioned outfit i looked for the right fabric in my world but i could not find any. 

As i went in to the human realm i put on my head phones with music it help block out the loud noise from the human realm so idiot get overwhelmed and have a mental break down, me having a mental break down in the human realm has happened before once my head phones battery died and i got overwhelmed and had a mental break down luckily Layla was with me that day and brought me home. Since then i made sure my head phones were fully charged before going to the human realm.

As i made my way to the fabric store i saw a new cafe that just opened i made i mental note to go the cafe after i got all the fabric i needed.

After i was done shopping for fabric i went to the new cafe it looked like nice place to study it had some book shelves and there were people studying and just reading books. I went in and i girl greeted me and sat me down I looked around more as the girl went to get me a menu. I decided to order a English thee with winter themed cookies as i was waiting for my order to come i took out my drawing tablet and started working and a new drawing sometimes i just make a drawing of a person of character i made up or i would draw a land scape or room. When my order came I drank the thee and it tasted amazing as i was drawing i could not stop thinking about the girl that greeted me she was very pretty so I decided to draw her.


I hope you all liked this first chapter i don't really know where i want to go with this story so please give me suggestions in the comments. I dont know how uploading will be i will try to write as often as i can.

Thank you for reading this first chapter and have a nice day or night.

Uploaded on December 11th 2022

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