2 - Yandere!An x Male!Reader

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TW: OOC (du h), yandere behaviors, etc

Reader Gender: Male

Character: An Shiraishi

Status: Requested


"Yo, it's almost our school's festival, do you plan to join?" A friend of mine asked as I look up to him, thinking for a while before answering. "Oh, the Kamikou festival? ... Not really, I think I'll just pass this year too." "Hey, come on! You pass every year!" He said as his fist punched lightly on my shoulder.

"It's not my fault it's so boring." Then he just slightly sighed before going back on his phone. "Oh yea right, I heard they're inviting an idol group to perform this year too." I glanced up to him as he say so. "Eh, which one?" "I think it's like... Jump More... or something."

More More Jump?!

"Wait you aren't speaking cap are you?? More More Jump?! In our school?!" I was practically shouting at this point while my friend just laughed. "No, look at this, they're really gonna be here." I snatched his phone as I scrolled through the website.

It's all real.

"Well, never mind, I'm going, definitely."


"Huh? You'll really participate on this year?" Standing across An, one of the student council, I nodded. "I was kinda hoping... Actually, I can make-do if you go too!" An switched her mood as she hands over a flyer for the event. "Wouldn't you go with your bandmates?"

"Oh, I haven't told Kohane about the event yet, Akito would come but he'd be late, and Toya... Well, I'd wanna hang around with you anyways, they don't matter." I took the flyer into my hand and read through the whole thing.

More More Jump will show up last on the show.

"Come on time, alright? We could really hang out at the festival!" An say, looking straight into my eyes.

"O-Oh... Yeah, sure." I was kind of hoping to sleep in until More More Jump shows up but... I just can't say no to An, can I?

"Great! See you tomorrow (Y/N)!"

And there goes my sleeping time...



"Sorry An, did you wait for long?" The first thing of my day is to meet up with An at school... "Hehe, not at all! It's my duty to come early anyways!"

She grabbed my arm as she then tours me around the places, pointing at foods and things she's interested in. We tried most of those, and to be honest, it's not bad. The soda drink stall must be my favorite of them all though.

"Do you wanna catch a break?" An asked as I nod. I'm not a fan of walking around too much in the sun anyways. We found a place and eventually sat down.

For a while of silence, nothing was really happening.

"An, do you know when-" And I felt a soft bump onto my shoulder, and there lies An's head, resting like I'm the pillow. "Are you that tired? It's... Barely even the end of the event." I sighed, but still let her rest. Not like I could do anything else though.

I scrolled through my phone to see when's More More Jump going to appear, and take a look at the girls's profiles in the meantime too. "Hm. Isn't that Haruka?"

An's voice made me jump.

Her head still lay on my shoulders, but I could see her eyes are wide open as she stares into my phone.

"Y-Yeah right, she's an idol, you know that group?" "... She's my friend from middle school. Well, why were you scrolling through her profile?" An replied as her arm clings onto mine. "I just... Um... I heard they'd come this evening to perform at our school, and I... I just really like this band so..."

"I see~ That's why you decided to go to the festival, huh." "Kind of..." I laughed an awkward laugh.

"I didn't know you are into idols... Not like it's uncommon or bad but..." An trailed off. "You do know you have no chance of interacting to them, right?" "Huh- I mean- I am aware of that, but... I could get a self-"

"Why don't you look at what's in front of you, (Y/N). I'm here. It hurts to know I'm not the reason you decided to go to the festival, (Y/N)." An say, gripping my arm tighter. "A-An, what's gotten into you? You-"

"Don't think of them any more. It makes me angry."

I was desperately trying to let go, and not hurting An at the same time, and of course, didn't work out. Instead, the blue haired girl scooted even closer into me. "Hey- You don't have any rights to tell me to do anything. Whatever, I'll just go enjoy the festival myself-"

"Why... Can't it be me?"


"I... I'll do anything for you, I tried everything to get you closer to me and... You... Why don't you ever think about me?" An bursted out. Instead of feeling some sort of sympathy, I really wanted to, my mind only sorted it out as creepy.

"An. It's not like I don't care about you or I love More More Jump. I just... Really think you as a friend."

"..." An stayed silent as she stares at me. I couldn't tell what's on her mind just by looking at it.

"You love me, (Y/N). You just don't know it."



"An-chan! There you are, I was looking for you!" Haruka smiled at the sight of her friend, her group, also turned to the girl's direction. "Oh, really? What for?" "Well, maybe some good luck compliment before the show happens?" Haruka joked as she looks at An from head to toes.

"Oh! So you're An! Hi! Kohane and Haruka told me a looooot about you!!" Minori jumped in Haruka's thoughts as she came to An to shake the girl's hand.

"W-Wait-" "Eek- Are you okay?? I'm so sorry! What are these scratches..." Minori gazed down to see a few lines on An's hand, bleeding out blood that's red as can be.

"Ah, I just had to deal with some stuff... Sorry if I spooked you out haha..." The girl then tried to find excuses to lure the others to another way as she looks behind her, to the storage house of the school they use to store test papers and anything.

"I have to take care of something real quick, I'll get back to you later~"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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