Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

Start from the beginning

"You've always had an overactive imagination," Addison said. "I'm not mad at you. Maybe a little bit but I didn't ask for you to punish you. I asked for you because you're my sister and I've missed spending time with you," Addison said.

"I've missed you too. But for now, let me be the doctor you raised me to be," I said. Addison nodded.


We were in Julie's room looking at her ultrasound.

"See. Bilateral pleural effusion with evidence of subQ edema," Meredith said.

"In English, please?" Julie asked.

"We've detected what looks like beginning heart failure in the twins. Don't be alarmed," I said.

"Are my babies gonna be ok?" Julie asked.

"I'm gonna go ahead and take you into surgery now. We're not gonna wait," Addison said before turning to Meredith. "Book the OR. Move,"


We were in the OR for Julie's surgery.

"Julie, we're just gonna go in laparoscopically. You're not gonna feel anything and neither are the twins. Ok, let's get going. Ten blade. Begin with a three-millimetre incision," Addison said. After a while, Addison checked in on Meredith.

"How you doing there, Grey?" Addison asked.

"Good. I'm good," Meredith said.


We were checking on Julie post-op.

"See? Just a small scar," Addison said.

"And my babies?" Julie asked.

"Your babies are doing very well. And Dr Grey will be back to check on you a little bit later," Addison said.

"Actually, I'd prefer it if Dr Grey were taken off the case," Julie said.

"Why, is there a problem?" Addison asked.

"Just reminds me of someone I don't like very much. Someone my husband likes a lot. Particularly in lingerie. You understand," Julie said.

"No, no, I don't understand," Addison said.

"Well, she's sleeping with your husband, right?" Julie asked.

"Ms Philips, I lack Dr Grey's class and patience so, let me set the record straight. My husband didn't cheat on me, I cheated on him. So the wronged woman here, Dr Grey. So, I think you owe her one hell of an apology," Addison said turning to leave.


I was changing in the locker room. Meredith walked in. It was just us.

"I'm not mad at you. It wasn't your place to tell me that he was married. So I don't hate you and I don't want to dismember you with a ten-blade," Meredith said.

"Addison told you?" I asked.

"She said you struggle with understanding emotions and that it's harder for you to regulate them. I'm not mad at you. I never was," Meredith said. "You're my friend Ana,"

"I was scared. I couldn't admit it but I was scared of losing a friend. I'm not an easy person to be friends with. I talk a lot and I zone out. I freak out easily. I don't understand things and feelings. It's why I latched onto Alex so hard. He's an asshole but he's my guy," I said.

"You haven't lost a friend," Meredith said. I smiled.

"I should go," I said. "Night Meredith,"

"Good night Ana," I said.


I sat on the couch in my apartment with Addison. She was drinking wine. My door knocked.

"Open up 'Kota. I got beer," Alex said.

"Doors open," I yelled. Alex walked in.

"What up loser?" Alex asked dropping the other side of me.

"Addie's forcing me to watch some shitty movie," I said. Addison hit me with a pillow.

"I told you that you can put your own movie on after this one," Addison said.

"Your sister's hot. Can I bang her?" Alex asked.

"I'm not deaf," Addison said.

"Feisty. I like feisty," Alex said.

"You are that much of a manwhore that you're an actual walking STD," I said. Addison laughed.

"So this is the Alex that was supposed to come to thanksgiving and you told Mom he got hit by a train?" Addison asked.

"Yeah," I said. "He would have died of boredom," I said.

"Shush. Drink your drink smiler," Alex said. Alex handed me a beer.

"Sure Ali," I smiled at him.

"Dork," Alex said. Addison laughed at us.

3rd Person POV

Anastasia had fallen asleep curled up in Alex's side. Alex picked up his best friend and walked to her bedroom pulling back the covers and setting her down on the bed. He walked back out to the living room.

"Alex, thank you," Addison said. "For taking care of her,"

"She's my best friend. She takes just as much care of me as I do her," Alex said.

"I still appreciate it," Addison said. "I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight,"

"Night," Alex said. Addison walked to her little sister's bedroom and got into bed beside her.

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