"Shidou Ryusei."

He was kneeled down, his head hanging but as soon as you crouched down to check his condition, you saw he was grinning. He raised his head, finally looking at you and showing you the excited glint in his eyes.

"I wanted to meet you, [F/N]-chan."

Your eyebrows raised in surprise as he addressed you by your first name but you brushed it off as you focused on removing him from the machine.

"This might hurt a little." You mumbled as you moved closer to him and Shidou didn't hesitate to observe your pretty features from up close.

You were too focused on your work to notice him checking you out but as he felt himself be released from the machine, you placed your hands on his shoulders to prevent him from falling on top of you.

"You okay?" He didn't have the chance to answer as you moved your attention onto your phone to fix the mess he made.

He watched as the machine moved back in its original position before he turned back to you with a lopsided grin.

"You're really interesting, [F/N]-chan."

You pursed your lips as he called you by your first name again but decided to drop it as you wanted to ask him something.

"Why did you come in here without my permission?" You crossed your arms and waited patiently for an answer but this only made his grin grow wider.

"I already told you. I wanted to meet you." He told but you were not happy.

"By almost breaking one of my machines?"

Before he could speak back, the words in his mouth died and a shiver ran down his spine as he saw the fearsome glare you sent his way.

"Don't mess with my toys, Shidou."

You didn't leave any room for him to talk back and stepped to the side as the door opened for him. You pointed to the exit and Shidou decided to oblige to your order but not without adding another comment before he left.

"Can't wait to meet again for my training session~"


"Nagi Seishiro, please make your way to the advanced training room."

Mikage Reo looked up as your voice came through the speakers before he smiled over at Nagi who released a sigh.

"Why did you sign me up for this?" He complained but Reo simply laughed, ushering his friend out of the gym.

"We can't let others become stronger than us." Reo said and Nagi wanted to make an annoyed face at his friend but the door closed, separating them from each other.

He turned to the map of the building that had been placed on the wall and pinpointed the room he was told to go to.

"What a pain." He mumbled as he made his way to the training room.

As he neared towards his destination, he could hear something he didn't recognise and his curiosity guided him towards it. Turns out, it was from the training room and as soon as the door opened, he was met with the sight of many machines moving at a speed his eyes couldn't keep up with.

He had to admit, he was stunned by the visual before him and could only stare until you acknowledged his presence.

"Hello, Nagi-san."

The machines came to a halt and you approached his taller form with a kind smile.

"Have you warmed up?"

He could only give you a nod before you drove him over to the first section of the training room.

"I've inputted the machine onto level one for now and then we'll move onto level two once you find this level easy."

You moved onto the other end of the room and used your tablet to start up the machine, two holographic players appearing in front of Nagi and moving to defend.

"Try to score a goal through the defenders."

A football rolled and stopped in front of Nagi and he muttered something under his breath which you couldn't catch onto before he placed his foot on the ball, preparing himself to get through the defenders.

He watched as the hologram stuck its arm out to hold him back but what took him by surprise was when he actually felt its arm as if it was real.

"Pay attention, Nagi!"

Your voice snapped him out of his daze and he focused on getting past the defenders, the ball being kicked between his feet as he tried to think of a way to get through.

'Reo always creates the situation for me...'

He simply decided to kick it ahead and use his speed to push past the defenders but to his dismay, they managed to hold him back.

A large X sign appeared in front of Nagi and the football disappeared from his sight as it was taken away by a mechanical hand.

"Don't underestimate the defenders, Nagi." You walked up to him as you spoke up but you took notice of the small frown on his face.

"How many goals do I need to make to end this training?" He asked and you informed him by raising one finger.

He positioned himself in front of the goalpost once again while you returned to your previous spot, starting the program and allowing the two holographic players to appear in front of Nagi.

They ran forward with the intent of preventing him from making a goal but he kicked the ball backwards, following after it to keep the large distance between them.

Nagi then sent the ball to the left before kicking it once more to the right to create a zigzag pattern, allowing him to escape from the defenders and strike the ball into the net.

You looked down at Nagi's profile and jotted down a few notes before you focused back onto the boy with a smile.

"Well done, Nagi. We'll end this for today as I just wanted to show you what you will be doing during the training session. So, you can return to whatever you were doing before or take a rest." You informed him.

The thought of being able to rest and play a few games was like heaven to him and he decided to go with that option but before he took his leave, he wanted to ask you a question.

"How did those holograms feel solid? Like...a real person?"

You thought over what answer you could give him and chose to show him instead. Tapping the screen on the tablet a few times, a holographic player appeared next to you.

"The microchip in that projector over there helps create a physical reaction that allows it to feel contact and also you."

You raised your hand and the hologram gave you a high five before you turned to Nagi to see he was staring at you with his usual blank look.

"That's cool." Was his only comment before he turned away from you and left the room without another word.

You shook your head in disbelief, finding the way he just left to be quite...odd but you shouldn't really be surprised.

"Ego-san sure did invite a unique bunch to this facility."

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