Loki gave Amelia another kiss and then waved goodbye. He and Thor were gone in a blazing light.

Jane turned to Amelia. "Are you sure you still want to do this?"

Amelia took a deep breath and swallowed. "Yes. I'm sure. I have to do this."

"Okay. I understand that. I will take good care of her for you."

Amelia hugged Addy tightly and handed her to Jane. She kissed Addy's forehead and stepped toward Heimdall.

Heimdall looked at her. "Are you sure you want to go through with this Lady Amelia?"

"Heimdall we have already discussed this. This is something I have to do. I know you know where he is so send me there. I'm ready."

Amelia landed on her feet. This was the first time she had ever traveled the bifrost without Thor and Loki holding on to her. She was impressed at her own skills now that she was able to regain her balance perfectly. She glanced around her surroundings. This looked like Arizona and right in front of her was a trailer. She closed her eyes and felt her magic envelope her. Her long Asgardian robe turned to jeans, boots and a t-shirt. She felt the comfortable weight of her daggers in her boots. Not that she needed them with the kind of magic she was packing these days. The whole time Loki had been teaching her she had been preparing for this. This moment is what she had been practicing and working so hard for. She walked towards the trailer and blasted the door open with a simple wave of her hand. The man she had been waiting to see came running out of the trailer. One look at her and he knew just exactly who this was. This assassin had taken her son from her and today he was going to pay. He was not going down without a fight. He pulled out a gun and began to fire it at her. Amelia held up her hand in front of her and the bullets turned to dust before they reached her. He backed up against the trailer firing until he had run out of bullets. Amelia continued to walk towards him until they were almost chest to chest. He reached out to punch her and found his hand pinned to the trailer. He tried the other one and the same thing happened. He could see that Amelia's hands were glowing blue.

Amelia smiled at him. "I assume you know who I am."

He nodded his head. She narrowed her eyes on his. She paced back and forth in front of him. She could feel her magic raging inside her. This man had tried to take her life from her. He had killed her husband in front of her. He showed no sign of remorse. Amelia thought about herself before all of this. She never imagined she would have been capable of something like this. She knew now that she was stronger than the girl living a normal 9 to 5 job. She had become so much more. She was a princess. She was a wife and she was a mother. This man had tried to destroy her family and she would have no remorse for what she was about to do. She walked back up to in front of him. He stood there in silence, almost like he knew there was no escaping.

"You took my heart from me." She held her hand out flat in front of her. "And now I will do the same to you."

She closed her open palm into a fist. His heart stopped pumping and his blood stopped flowing. She watched as his body shut down in front of her. She felt for a pulse she knew she would not find. The assassin was dead. Amelia felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. It was over.

"Heimdall, I'm ready to come home." She said.

Amelia's clothes changed back as she flew through the bifrost. When she landed back on the rainbow bridge she breathed a sigh of relief. This really was home. Heimdall did not say anything to her though she knew that he had been watching. Amelia just wanted to get back to Addy. She got to her room and Jane was playing with Addy. When she came into the room Addy looked at her.

"Mama!" she yelled.

Amelia teared up and ran to her daughter. She picked her up and held her close.

"Hey baby girl. Good job yeah I'm mama."

Addy giggled. "Mama mama mama." She said smacking her hands on Amelia's cheeks.

Amelia never told Loki about what she had done but she was pretty sure that he knew. He was the trickster god after all; it was hard to pull one on him. She never felt guilty about doing it either. She had hoped that the people who sent him found out what had happened to him. She hoped it would serve as a warning that she was not to be messed with. When it came to those she loved she would stop at nothing to protect and avenge them.

One Year Later

Loki walked down the hall to Frigga's room. Addy was running around the room chasing the magic that Frigga had created for her.

"Daddy!" she yelled running to him.

"Hello little princess." He said picking her up and swinging her around.

She wrapped her arms around Loki's neck and hugged on tight. "I love you daddy." She said.

Those words never failed to melt his heart. Addy was a brilliant little girl and he loved watching her thrive. This two year old had him wrapped around her finger and they all knew it. She had long wavy brown hair like her mother. Her eyes had become the exact shade that Loki's were. She really was the combination of both of them.

"I love you too baby girl. Mommy and daddy have a surprise for you, would you like to see?"

She giggled and squealed, kicking in his arms. "Yeah yeah yeah."

Loki opened the door to their chambers with Addy in his arms. He took her into their bedroom where Amelia was laying in the bed. He took Addy up to the bed. Amelia turned her arms to show Addy the baby who was asleep in them.

"Addy I want you to meet your baby brother." Amelia said.

The bouncy little girl suddenly got very still. "Brother?"

Loki smiled and set her in his lap as he sat next to Amelia on the bed. "Yes remember Addy we told you that you were going to be a big sister. This is your little brother. His name is Tristan." Loki said.

Addy stared at him taking in the little bundle in Amelia's arms. She leaned over and ever so gently kissed him on the forehead. "Hi baby." She said.

Amelia and Loki smiled at each other. These were there babies and this was their life. Never had either one of them imagined that they would be here today. Loki especially never dreamed that he could have gotten this lucky. He had a wife, a daughter and now a son. He kissed Amelia and stroked Tristan's cheek. He looked at his daughter who was babbling away to her sleeping brother.

"Thank you Amelia. Thank you for this life." Loki said letting a tear roll down his cheek.

Amelia smiled and let some tears flow. "Loki it is my genuine pleasure to give it to you."

The End...for now!

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