Chapter One

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                     Tang Yùmíng

I struggled to open my eyes. it was a little bright. I blinked a few times, as the room slowly comes into focus. Where am I?

"You're awake" I heard a voice say.

"Am I in heaven?" I croak, my throat wasn't feeling heavenly. The figure grabbed something and I heard laughter from the figure. It was a woman and from her appearance, she look like she was in her 50s, her hair pack up in a bun but I couldn't make out her face

"Here," she comes closer and helps me sit while supporting my back on the pillows. She place the cup on my lips which gave me a feeling of Deja Vu and poured the contents into my mouth, I swallow the water in one go

"What happened to me," I ask after regaining a bit of my voice.

"Well" She sits beside me, "The doctor said you ingested a substance that made your body react well weird........and you had a slight fever"

A fever? "How long have I been here," I ask trying to remember what happened

"A week," She said

"A week!" I shouted and quickly placed my hand over my mouth "Sorry" I muttered under my breath, Měilián and Měiqí would be so worried, I need to call them but I can barely lift a finger. "When can I leave"

Her eyes widen "Why the rush, besides you are only just getting better" She said squinting her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I friends would be worried about me," I said trying to explain, she raised an eyebrow and I sighed.

She laughed "You should see your face right now," She said and I blushed "Cmon you should rest now"

"Wait, is this the hospital or where am I?" I said looking around, the room was beautiful, it looked fancy and was big having something that looked like a walk-in closet, a hanging light that illuminated the whole room, and 4 sofas. The white marble tiles complimented the whole room

She chuckled softly "You're in my Master's mansion"

"Oh," I said glancing at the bathroom door and facing her back "Was he the one who brought me here?" I ask

"Yes," she said smiling "It's still a bit shocking though" She mumbled

"Why?" I asked

"Oh, you heard me," she said and I nodded "It's just the young master has something against women, and" She sighed "Don't worry about it" She smiled and stood up, walking to the door she turned back "Let me go tell him that you're awake, I'll be back soon" She smiled and left.

I looked around "This is just boring," I said and sighed. 'I wonder how Měilián and Měiqí are doing' I thought and sighed again, I looked around, where is my phone? I looked around and caught sight of it on the nightstand. I reached over to grab it but my arms couldn't reach it, I scooted over but still couldn't grab it

"Okay if I just move closer" I mumbled as I continue to move closer, I got to the edge and grabbed it "Yes!" I said and lost my balance, falling on my butt

"At least I got my phone," I said, I pushed the power button, but nothing happened "The battery must be dead" I sighed and looked up, I couldn't climb up and my butt aches I sighed. 'just my luck, the door opened and I looked up to see the woman, she ran towards me with a worried expression

"What happened?" she asked

"I'm sorry I tried to get my phone and I lost my balance and fell," I said "But I'm fine" I smiled trying to be assured, I felt something lift me, and I turned to see the most stunning eyes ever. He dropped me gently on the bed and sat next to me.

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