"You okay?"

"Yeah my lower back is just sore."

"Here let me help." Loki led her to the bed and sat her on the edge.

He kneeled behind her and began to rub her back carefully. As good as it felt it didn't really seem to help. The pain was very deep. Loki kept massaging for a while until he realized it was doing no good.

"Sorry I couldn't help." He said sitting next to her.

Amelia and Loki spent the day lounging around their flat. They caught up on the television shows they had missed. Amelia was so excited to order Chinese takeout that she could hardly contain her excitement. They packed up the things they wanted to take back to Asgard with them so they could leave early in the morning. Amelia's sore back was not looking forward to that car ride again. Amelia sat on the edge of the bed looking at the framed picture of their baby. Loki came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her again.

"We are definitely taking that back with us." He said kissing her neck.

Suddenly she was very turned on. Pregnancy hormones made her want Loki all the time and when it came it came on strong. She turned and kissed him hard. Loki leaned into her kiss. Amelia turned around to face him all the way and wrapped her fingers in his hair. Loki slid her up the bed and leaned her back against their pillows. He slid his hands up her legs and under her nightgown. Amelia shivered at his touch. She felt herself grow instantly wet and she pulled Loki down on top of her. Loki had to arch his back to not crush her belly under him. They usually liked to take their time to explore each other but they could not hold back.

Amelia slid her hand down Loki's pants taking him in her hand. Loki lifted Amelia's hips to place more pillows under her to give them the correct leverage and her more comfort. She pulled his pants down and he threw them on the floor. Amelia wrapped her legs around Loki.

"Loki I need you inside me now."

He gave her a devilish grin and spread her legs. With one quick thrust he sheathed himself in her completely. She cried out at the sensation of him inside her. He held onto her hips and thrust himself inside her. He was so careful of her bump and not to hurt her. At the same time he was ferocious and thrust deeply. Amelia lifted her hips as much as was possible for her to Loki could bury himself deeper inside her. It didn't take long for them to both be ready to explode. Loki thrust fast and hard as Amelia grinded her hips against his. They both felt the build up and came at the exact same time.

"Oh god Loki. Fuck." Amelia cried out.

"Oh Amelia. I am." Loki whispered.

They continued to thrust and grind until they had ridden out the orgasm completely. Loki withdrew from her and rolled off. Amelia still had her nightgown on but Loki pushed it up to look at her bare belly. He lay on his side leaned on one elbow while Amelia still lay propped on the pillows. He put his free hand across her belly. The baby was kicking a lot and very hard. Loki put his face right on her belly.

"Hello my little princess."

Amelia smiled at them and ran her fingers in Loki's slightly mussed raven hair. She sighed as he continued to talk to their little girl moving around inside her. Amelia was suddenly really tired. It had been a long day and sex usually made her tired anyways. She yawned loud before she could stop herself. Loki smiled and pulled her nightgown back down.

"Sleepy?" he asked.

She nodded her head. "Extremely."

Loki pulled his pants back on and pulled the covers up around them. Amelia lifted up so he could pull the pillows out from under her. They each lay on their side facing each other. Amelia fell asleep listening to Loki's soft breathing and his gentle touch in her hair.

Amelia woke to a sharp pain in her abdomen. She sat up. It was gone as quickly as it came. She looked down and saw Loki sound asleep next to her. She suddenly felt she had to use the bathroom. She grudgingly got up and walked into the bathroom. She got in there just in time for a rush of liquid to release from her. What the hell? Did she just pee herself? Amelia didn't have time to think about it before the pain was back and stronger. What the hell was going on? She felt her belly and it was hard and spasming. Oh no no no. These were contractions. It was way too early. Her baby was not ready to come. She looked at the floor where the puddle was. Her water had broken. Amelia began to panic. She reached down and put her hand between her legs. Her fingers had blood on them when she brought them back up. Oh shit. This was not good. Her baby was not due for another 2 months. She started back towards the bedroom when another contraction hit her. She held onto the sink trying to breathe through the pain. She was not prepared for this. She cried out as the pain got worse.

Loki snapped awake. He heard Amelia cry out. He looked and saw that she was not in bed next to him. He shot up out of bed and saw the bathroom light was on. He ran into the bathroom and what he saw scared him. Amelia was leaning on the counter with tears running down her face. Her hands had blood on them and they were clutching her belly.

"Loki." She said softly.

He rushed over to her. "Amelia what is it? What's wrong?"

She cried out again as the pain washed over her. She gripped on tightly to Loki's hand. "Loki it's the baby. She is coming."

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