Chapter 52: The Endgame

Start from the beginning

Spencer took this as her cue to get her helmet on as well and follow after them. That chunk of debris was only going to hold him for so long, and they were going to need to be ready to hit him with all they had.

Sure enough, moments later, the wreckage on top of Thanos erupted in a purple explosion as he bellowed in rage. Immediately, he used the Reality Stone to turn the hovering fragments into a swarm of bats, sending them flying at Tony and pushing him back into the ruins. Spencer took a deep breath; this was going to get tricky.

Just as Thanos finished with the bats, Peter smacked him in the eyes with some webbing, swinging back around to kick him in the face at the same time Drax leapt from cover, blades in both hands as he did a knee-slide behind Thanos in an attempt to slice one of his tendons in the back of the Titan's knee. As Drax began dueling Thanos on one side, Strange emerged from a portal on the other side, and summoned a sword of golden energy to do the same.

    Tony started to fly back in, so Spencer used her suit and took to the sky as well, allowing her a better vantage point of the battlefield below. Plus she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel safer in the air. She put her attention back on the Titan, waiting for the right moment to strike.
Thanos punched Drax through an already ruined wall, and then shattered the blade with one hand before ripping the webbing from his face. He puts his focus back on Strange, kicking at him. Luckily for Strange, his shield absorbed the hit as it sent him flying backwards, his Cloak lifting him from the ground.

    Quill was coming up from behind, blasting Thanos in the back. Understandably, this caused Thanos to turn and fire balls of energy from the Power Stone towards the man. Quill easily dodged them as he leapt towards Thanos using magical platforms Strange had conjured up for him. The last platform was placed above Thanos' head, and when Quill got to it, he flipped over Thanos and slapped a mine on the Titan's back. Unsurprisingly, Quill stuck his landing as he disengaged his helmet.

"Boom!" he exclaimed before nonchalantly giving Thanos a middle finger as he fell backwards into a portal.

Spencer couldn't help but laugh as the mine exploded, knocking Thanos to his knees, dazing him briefly.

Her laughter quickly died as she heard Strange mutter something unintelligible from the distance she was at, but she assumed it was an order to his mystical cloak, since it flew off his shoulders, wrapping itself tightly around Thanos' armored hand. The Titan started yanking at the cloak, trying to free himself of it. Strange started flinging portals everywhere, and Peter leapt through one on Thanos' left.

"Magic!" Peter shouted as he punched Thanos in the head before disappearing in another portal to the lower right before reappearing above Thanos. "More magic!" The boy yanked Thanos' head down hard before leaping down into a portal in front of him. Peter leapt through another portal high and behind Thanos. "Magic with a kick!" He kicked Thanos before falling feet-first into another portal, and then he reappeared on Thanos' right. "Magic with a-"

Before Peter could finish that, Thanos snatched him from the air by the neck and slammed him to the ground. "Insect!" he snapped. He then hurled Peter at Strange, knocking them both down.

As Thanos started freeing himself of the Cloak, Spencer glanced at Tony. He gave her a quick nod, and then the two of them began bombarding him with missiles. It seemed to be effective, at least until Thanos sucked all the flames and explosions into the gauntlet with the Power Stone and fired it at Spencer and Tony, hitting them dead on, sending the both of them flying backwards into a massive fallen machine.

Spencer- for what seemed like the millionth time today- shook her head as she tried to shake off the pain and delirium that came with crashing through solid objects. She could make out some commotion before another large crash, but she couldn't determine much more than that at the distance she was at and over the beeping of several of her suit's monitors. She slowly sat up, trying to place where Tony was. He was a few feet away, slowly sitting up with a palm to his head.

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