Rebirth Nexus

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A Rebirth Nexus is a shattered crystal formed out of precious materials. It doesn't matter what the material is as long as the core of the crystal has a piece or shard of a powerful soul, or a Fragment of Pure Magic. Color varies on the material it was based on.

Most Nexuses turn black and permanately shatter once they are used, but there are a few that can be used multiple times. But those are rare, and extremely difficult to forge. There are currently two Rebirth Nexuses that can give several lives. One hidden, and the other acting as the Dia's heart.

What a Rebirth Nexus does is give a life.

You see, a couple who is unable to bear children can turn to a Rebirth Nexus. The same goes for a person who wishes to have their own child with out using the ... regular way.

All the Nexus need, is blood.

To activate the Nexus, spill a few drops of your blood and your partners on the Crystal. Over time the Crystal will form a child from the blood it received. It usually can take up to an hour to 4 months. It depends on the blood spilled. More blood means the faster the child will be born. The child will resemble one of the two parents or be a near copy of one of them. If the Couple is a polyamory, then the child will always be a mix between them.

If it is a single parent, twice as much blood needs to be spilled. The child will be a near copy of the parent, but there will be a few genetic differences. Like gender, eye color, and hair color.

It is how Dia was born.

This was how some of her ancestors were born.

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