42. The Lake (1)

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"I can't believe how nervous I am," Seb said as they sat waiting to be called in for their gender scan.  Savannah didn't reply.   She was nervous too.   Not just because they were going to find out what their baby was, but because it was the next step towards telling everyone.  At sixteen weeks, besides them, the only ones that knew were Savannah's mum and Britta. 

It had been a week since Olivia's funeral. Life was moving on even though Savannah's heart was still broken. Once they told everyone about the baby their life really would change.  

"Mrs Vettel," called out a voice.  Savannah stood up, followed by Seb.  They went over to the woman who was waiting on the far side of the room.   She smiled and held her hand out for them to shake.  

"If you'd like to come through."

They followed her through, exchanging nervous glances.

A couple of minutes later Savannah was laid on the bed and they were both gazing at the screen in adoration. Their baby had grown so much in the short time since they had last seen it. It was dancing around, arms and legs flying everywhere.

"Well this baby certainly isn't shy," the sonographer said. "Sometimes it can take several minutes to confirm the gender but I can see straight away what your baby is."

Savannah and Seb looked at each other and smiled.

"You sure you want to find out?" Savannah asked him. He nodded.

"Positive. You?"

"Yep." They looked at the sonographer.

"Congratulations! You're having a little girl."

"Yes!" exclaimed Seb. "I told you! Psychic!"

"Seb, you had a fifty fifty chance of getting it right. Nothing psychic about it," Savannah laughed. She was so happy but she'd have been happy with a boy as well. Seeing a healthy baby was what made her happy.

Several minutes later they left the clinic hand in hand.

"We have to think of a name for her!" Seb said excitedly.

"Seb, we have twenty four weeks until she is due. We have plenty of time."

"But I want to her to have a name."

"We'll have to compare the names we like."

"I meant it though, about her middle name being Olivia."

"Nanna would have loved that," she said, feeling sad again.

They reached the car and climbed in. "So when are we going to break the news to the kids?" she asked.

"Well, that is a good question. I thought maybe we could tell them in Italy We could give them a photograph of their presents and the label would say  to my big brothers and sisters, love from .... but we'd need her name really."

"We can talk about names tonight. If there's one we both really love then yeah, great idea. But I don't want to rush naming her if we're not sure."

"Ok, that's fair enough."

"Anyway, can we go shopping before we go home? I think I need to get some maternity clothes at last. My bump seems to have grown all of a sudden this last week. It's a good job we are telling them soon as I don't think I'd be able to hide it for much longer."

"Of course baby. As you're not going to be hiding it does this mean you might get a bikini?" he asked cheekily. "Your boobs are looking fantastic right now. I mean they always do, but they've definitely grown."

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