Daddy's arrival (part 1)

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A carriage stopped in front of the palace and I knew immediately that it was daddy.
Felix came down from the carriage and opened the door for dad and he came down majestically, and before a second could pass by I rushed into dad's arms embracing him in a tight hug, "daddy I missed you!" I said smiling uncontrollably, "how was the meeting?" I asked "bearable" he said with an annoyed expression,"oh...ok, let's head in dad"I said looping my arm with his and walked into the palace, "by the way dad, Where is Felix" I said curiously looking around, "He had some business to attend to" he said nonchalantly, 'I wonder where his at' I thought to myself looking a dad suspiciously clearly doubting him........

Meanwhile with Felix.....
"Sniff......sniff...Why do I have to fill in and handle all these documents at a time like this..." He thought while checking documents while a stack of papers continued to pile on each side of the table, suddenly a knock was heard on the door, "who's there? I hope it isn't that assistant with another stack of documents, I can't take it anymore" he mumbled to himself clearly getting dispirited, but before he could continue he heard a very familiar voice that wraps his heart in warmth anytime he hears it, the one who his was currently dating for some time now..., Lily came into the room with a coffee set,"Felix, I came to check on you after greeting the king, how are you lately it seems your quite busy-", she was cut of by longing and sparkling eyes aimed at her " LILY!, Come give me a hug I missed you so much, I can't stand another second with this workload.." he said childishly, "Hmm, it seems your majesty was upset at you again?, What did you do to make him vent out his frustration in this way?" She said dropping the set on the near by coffee table and strode next to him to embrace him, "mmnnnn, I think it's because I told him it's about time her highness becomes independent and starts dating.., but he took it too seriously" he said caressing her hair, " That might be a problem..." She said contemplating something, "why so?" He said he while straightening up to look at her and making eye contact, Lily looked left and right in a suspicious manner before leaning close to Felix's ear "because the princess already likes someone" she whispered........................
five seconds passed with his face being in a blank state before he could finally understand the information and giving out a dramatic gasp "wait-, does that means she either likes Duke Alphesus' son Ijikiel or that magician from the tower Lucas am I right?" He said in a some what serious manner, "correct she likes Lucas!" Lily said in a matter - of - fact manner, " Hmmm, I guess his a right choice because I think Princess Jennette has a thing for Ijikiel, but he doesn't seem to get it" Felix said also a matter - of - fact tone," So how are we going to convince his majesty to allow Princess Anthanasia to date Lucas?" He asked curiously, " I already have a plan set" Lily said determined, "I must help my Lady any way possible to achieve a romantic life!" She said all fired up
"ok I'll also give it my all and support them too!-" he said before a quick realisation, " ughh....," Right after I finish this stacks of papers" he said drained of his former vigor, " I sympathize with you current situation, I'll pour you some coffee" Lily said heading to the coffe table and poured coffee into a cup before giving it to Felix " Thanks dear" he said in an about to cry manner .......

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