Count Down To Yuletide Chapter 22

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Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard and their family gather together to celebrate Yuletide and Pagans are the reason for the season.  Oh Yes. Thank you, Odin, The Almighty Father. 

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and her brother, Lord Anthony Christopher are the two oldest children,  Lady Elizabeth being the oldest daughter and Lord Anthony Christopher being the oldest son.

They gather around The Yuletide tree at Pembroke Castle in Pembroke Territory on Star Base 12 and they are allowed to open up one Yuletide present piece and Lord Anthony Christopher unwraps the Yuletide present given to him by his beloved grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and it is a toy train and Lady Elizabeth does the same and inside is a beautiful porcelain doll with blonde hair just like Lady Elizabeth and she smiles and tells her grandfather  "I am going to name her Queen Charlotte after you grandfather."  Lady Elizabeth tells her beloved grandfather. 

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells his son, Lord Andrew Charles " I have no clue what to get Lady Elizabeth as she nearly has everything." 

"I know father. You spoil her rot. I know you loved her and she is your heiress." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"I think I entitled to spoil my grandchildren." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"I had to wait 33 years for her to arrive. " Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I know father. I had to wait for her mother to arrive from Post World War Three Planet Earth." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"How do you think I felt when you tried to push those dog ugly young women on me to marry. " Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Did you ever see how ugly most of them were. They are batting their eye lashed at me, and parading around in their fancy apparel." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"There was not one I would even consider to take as my bride." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father, " I think it was  well worth the wait as you can see I have given you more grandchildren than the rest of your children." 

"Lady Karissa and I have given you four grandchildren,  Lord Charles Andrew Howard II has given you two grandchildren,  Lord Patrick William has given you two grandchildren, Lady Patricia has given you two grandchildren, and Lady Charlotte Augusta has given you three grandchildren, and Lady Theresa and I have given you one grandchild." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"Are any of your grandchildren ugly?" If I had married one of the women they would have." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"No, Lord Andrew Charles.  I don't see any ugly grandchildren I have." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"You got a heiress and spare from Lady Karissa and me.." Lord Andrew Charles states " What my great-great-grandfather started is secure."  

"The Howard's govern almost every territory here on Star Base 12." Lord Andrew Charles states. All but for Lennox Territory and Suffolk Territory." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"Father. I think they are insignificant." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"No territory is insignificant on Star Base 12 and we work together." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Lord Patrick William Howard loved all his neighbors here on Star Base 12 and together they all created Star Base 12 and when Lord Edmund Beaufort's daughter married Lord Patrick William Howard son, they had my father, Lord Richard William Carey's great-grandmother, Lord Thomas William Howard's great-grandfather, and Lord Frederick William Howard III 's father. " Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR explains.

"When Lord John Carey's grandson married Lord Patrick William Howard granddaughter they had my first cousin,  Lord George Frederick Carey and he is the grandfather of Lord Richard William Carey and he was my best friend." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells his son.

"I never  met a better person than Lord George Frederick Carey. He was a man of great character and it is too bad that my father didn't take after his maternal grandfather, Lord Edmund  Beaufort." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

When my father married Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill.  She didn't have too but she did and she gave birth to Lord Richard Edward, Lord Edwin William Howard, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and me."  Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Your mother was the great-great-granddaughter of Lord David Alexander Stuart, and he traveled with your great-great-grandfather to Star Base 12  in 2153. " Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR states.

"Your mother and I had five children,  and you were the last one to be born." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR explains, " The most difficult to raise." 

"I am the son who gave you your golden hair heiress." Lord Andrew Charles states "When my two older brothers failed to do so." 

"They passed the buck onto Lady Karissa and I because they were too damn lazy to fulfill the obligation to you." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"I would have rather been born into a gentry family and lived out in the country with my wife and children." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Like Lady Karissa told me, we can't help what family we are born into." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"Lord Andrew Charles Howard. You come from a proud heritage dating back to King Henry II of England and his youngest son, King John of England whose great-granddaughter married Sir John Howard." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells his son.

"You also come from a  Proud heritage that dated back to King John of England's  eldest son, King Henry III of England and his son, King Edward I of England whose son, Prince Thomas was Duke of Norfolk and his daughter, Lady Margaret married Lord John Seagrave and they had a daughter, Lady Elizabeth who married Lord John Mowbray and their son, Lord Thomas had a daughter , Lady Margaret who married Sir Robert Howard whose was the great-great-great-grandson of Lord John Howard and Lady Joan of Cornwall and they were the father and mother of Lord John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.  

"Through Lord John Howard's son, Lord Thomas and his marriage to Lady Elizabeth Tinley and Lady Agnes Tinley they had 21 children,  Lord Thomas, Lady Elizabeth and Lord Edmund Howard and Lord William Howard." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"Lady Elizabeth Howard married Sir Thomas Boleyn and together they had three children, Lady Mary who is the ancestress of Lord Richard William Carey and she married Sir William Carey  and Lady Anne Boleyn married the son of the usurper, Henry Tudor but I guess something good always come out bad and it was their daughter, Queen Elizabeth the First of England." Lord Charles Andrew JR explains.

"I heard this story a million times, father." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father and Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells his son " You will hear it a million more times until it sinks through your thick skull." 

Lord Andrew Charles looks at his father " Why don't you play with your granddaughter and grandson?"

Lord Andrew Charles  gives his father a bow and he walks out of the living room and back to his office and shuts the door.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR goes to watch his two oldest grandchildren play with their Yuletide toys.

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