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Amina's POV

I was at home, texting my best friend, Aria.


Me: Hey girl what's up?

Aria: Not much. Guess what?

Me: What?

Aria: I've got a new boyfriend!

Me: Who????!!!??

Aria: Jacob.

My heart sank. I couldn't believe she was dating the person who abused me! Well, at least one of them. But still! She knew what he did to me, and she still dated him. Maybe she isn't as good a friend as I might have thought. I just couldn't bring myself to text back, so I turned off my phone and did my nightly regime, just before I went to bed.

I couldn't sleep, knowing what Jacob is capable of. Maybe he could brainwash Aria into thinking that I'm the bad friend. I don't know what I would do without my ride or die.

I couldn't handle the thought of it, so I just went to bed. One day down, four more to go.

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