Hua Cheng's Outfit:

Hua Cheng's Outfit:

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Shi Qingxuan's Outfit:

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Shi Qingxuan's Outfit:

"Jeez, is this really what school is like? Has school really become a fashion show

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Jeez, is this really what school is like? Has school really become a fashion show..." Yin yu gives the 4 infront of him a weird stare

"A-Yu, dont you go to college too? how come youre still in your pjs and grabbing your laptop?" qingxuan asked curiously

"I am homeschooled, so i dont need to go the what school has become." yin yu replies and logs in his laptop account

"Okay... Uhmm, bye? have fun at school. were gonna go to Crestview now!" xie lian says as he goes outside to wait in san lang's car

The remaining 3 bid their goodbyes to yin yu and head to the car and got in.

(Hua Cheng and xielian are at the back. Ming yi and qingxuan are at the front)

In The Car

"How come a-yi's the one driving! I wanted to drive for once.." qingxuan frowns

"First of all, hua- I mean San lang might crash us into a street lamp on purpose if one of us piss him off, Xie lian is unlucky and might get us into a car crash, and the last time you drove we crashed into someone's house and we got sued. We were damn lucky San lang helped us to win the case." Ming Yi explains as they pull up to a Starbucks

"Ooh! I want a green tea frappuccino, please babee!" Qingxuan leans on ming Yi with a smile

"Okay, what do you guys want?" Ming yi turns to the back

"I want plain dark coffee." San lang replies while playing games on his phone

"I want a strawberries and cream frappuccino and vanilla cream frappuccino, please!" Xie lian replies, keeping his usual warm smile

"Gege, why so much?" San lang asks, shutting off his phone to look at his gege

"San lang, we are like an hour away from Crestview! It won't hurt to drink 2 fraps, right?" Xie lian pats San lang's head and grabs a book from his backpack

Ming Yi pulls up to the speaker "hello, I would like a plain dark coffee, green tea frappuccino, strawberries and cream frappuccino, a vanilla cream frappuccino and an iced vanilla cold foam golden monkey tea with coffee jelly."

A slightly muffled voice came from the speaker "okay, ma'am! Please pull up to the window."

The car pulls up to the window and they claim their drinks and pay.

After they got their drinks, they were now on their way to Crestview University, the prestigious college they study at.

The car ride was a silent one, xie lian was reading a book, San lang was playing Project Sekai on his phone, qingxuan was taking pictures and ming yi was too busy driving to care for what the others are doing.

After an hour they FINALLY reach Crestview and get out the car

Sqx : "guys, let's take a group photo! Please!"

Xl : "sure, I don't see why not"

Hc : "ugh, fine."

My: "ew, photos. I would rather die."

Sqx : "don't be silly!"

Qingxuan grabs her girlfriend's arm and they take a photo

"Guys, let's head to class now" xie lian said before bumping into someone. It was mu qing

"Well fancy seeing you here, xie lian." Mu qing gives xie lian a nasty look

"Aha- uhm.. pleasure seeing you here too?.." xie lian awkwardly smiled, remembering the awkward past they have.

"Who are these? Your new friends? I hope you guys ACTUALLY work out." Muqing says coldly and walk past them

"Aha.." xie lian sighs deeply before putting on a forced smile

"Jeez! That jerk! No wonder he pulls no bitches!" Qingxuan crosses her arms

"It's fine, let's just head to class." Xie lian says

They all head inside the building and to their classes

Xie Lian's Class

Xie lian grabs his notebook, pen, and highlighter so he can write down notes since finals are coming soon. It was sad to think that San lang and his friends wont be able to stop going to college together since he was older than most of his friends.

Xie lian grabs his phone to distract him from that thought, turns out; the whole gc was using phones in class. Especially yin yu since he was homeschooled

Heaven 📞🎥
San lang<3!:)
Omh I remember this one time I ate a sandwich from God's Menu and I swear I tasted heaven.
Y'all's food taste sucks ass bro
Jk jk
I love gods menu
Who doesn't
Do people actually have ass hair
San lang<3!:)
Gege...? 😧
Xie lian??
I'm like being so fr rn
San lang<3!:)
How come u r talking like that now
Ppl change babez
Yeah idk if ppl actually grow ass hairs
I just took like 10 screenshots too fast
And like
I accidentally

'Hold on, why am I talking like that? Eh whatever. I'm just gonna focus on class' xie lian turns off his phone from under the desk and focuses his eyes on the whiteboard.

To Be Continued . . .
How do ppl pluck their ass hairs tho, do they shave them?????

He Is Mine; Hualian ☆Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ