meeting the team

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Medic felt a bit dizzy when all these people surrounded, Miss Pauling looked at Medic and sighed "alright guys good work! Now I have surprise" Miss Pauling arrayed out, all the men then became quite, Medic was a bit nervous "who's that?" A man in a war helmet asked, Miss Pauling just sighed and introduced Medic, "um hi!" Medic  stuttered out as he did a little wave. "Well I am the Soldier nice to meet you maggot!" Soldier exclaimed as he violently shook Medics hand, Medic just gave a thumbs up and sighed a man who had been drinking then came up to Medic and sloppily shook his hand. "This here is the Demoman!" Soldier beamed, Medic just gave another thumbs up as Demoman walked away slurring his speech, a man with a hard hat then walked up to Medic and shook his hand, "I'm the Engineer" Engineer calmly said Medic smiled and gave a thumbs up again. The Sniper then introduced himself then Spy, then Scout, then Pyro, the last person came up to Medic and he was quit large Medic became nervous and breathed shakily, "I'm Heavy" the man said blandly as Medic slowly shook his hand, Medic could tell the man was Russian he didn't care much but his kept saying protect yourself  Medic then let go of Heavys hand. Medics thoughts then jumbled on each other, he didn't know why he had never been afraid of Russians but here he was panicking, the sound of a car driving away then cut Medics thoughts off, "if your wondering healing when Miss Pauling did it went biggest to smallest" Soldier said as he pointed at Scout, Medic sighed "so who goes first" Medic croaked out, Soldier then pointed at Heavy Medic gulped. Medic then began walking and Heavy followed behind.

End chapter 2

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