"That will never change," Anna agreed, pulling us both in for a hug, "And if anyone tries to pull something on you tonight, go ahead and kick their ass."

We shared a good laugh, Tay adding, "And if it gets too heavy, you know we're your backup."

"I love you guys so much," I whispered, Tay, squeezing me:

"We love you too."

I just wish I could've been with them all night long, but unfortunately, I did have an interview that wasn't about Darby or Ethan for once. I left my bags from shopping with Anna and Tay, returning to grab them so I could meet Ethan in the locker room, but there was unfinished business that got in my way.

"So, you're just going to keep ignoring me?" Darby asked, sitting at a merch booth that wasn't fully set up.

"Yup," I scoffed, continuing to walk away, but he grabbed my hand, pulling me back, pleading:

"Please just a few minutes, Y/N. You know I'm not one to beg, but please."

Anger was built up in me like a volcano filled with lava, curious as to what he had to say. I had my moment to speak so, I allowed him to have this one chance, growling:

"You better make it quick."

There was this deep sadness in his eyes, not letting my hand go when he whispered, "Everything you said last week, there were no lies. I broke that promise, I was a horrible friend, but how many speed bumps did we hit during our friendship, huh? We overcame every single one and this is no different. I don't want to lose you. You're not just my best friend, I love you."

His words about put me in tears, tears of frustration, my voice cracking when I said:

"It's a little too late for that, don't you think?"

"It's never too late," He whispered, not making me budge, trying harder when he added, "I just don't know what you see in him."

"You should know I hate repeating myself," I chuckled with insanity, "He is the man of my dreams."

Darby scoffed at me, somehow dumbfound by my word, groaning and not thinking clearly, "Y/N, listen to yourself! And it's already bad enough that when I tried to make things better that night, I had to see him in your bed!"

"You what?" I asked, confused, then I remembered the morning after when I turned my phone on, seeing Darby's message about my spare key. He used it.

That made me furious. He saw Ethan and me in bed that night and I about exploded, yelling:

"You came into my house that night?! Are you fucking kidding me!"

"Y/N," Darby said frantically, realizing that he messed up, and I didn't give him another chance to speak, yelling:

"I told you last week. Our friendship is done and will never be anything more. You not only broke that promise, but you also broke my trust, you broke my heart. You broke everything! And there's no putting it back together!"

I went to finally turn away, but he refused to let go of my hand, about crying, "Y/N!"

"What?!" I snapped but was silenced when he pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

Once upon a time, I did have feelings for Darby. I dreamt about moments we had, would have, hoping we'd have a bright future, but all of that was shattered now.

Despite the power and passion his lips welded, mine had no reaction. I felt dead inside, that anger even greater when I thought about Ethan. How Darby could never compare to him, how Darby could never make me happy as Ethan did.

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