Beautiful Disaster (SMUT)

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"Y/N," Ethan sighed, parking the car, hand my thigh, "Tonight is going to get a little crazy."

"I know," I didn't want to face, "Believe me, I know."

The only thing people were talking about was Darby, Ethan, and me. A "love triangle" that gained a lot of attention after the coffin match. 

Only issue was, it wasn't a love triangle. I was Ethan and him only. Darby is just a jealous. Never once did I have an intimate moment with him and I didn't care to. 

"You are not leaving my side," He made clear, "Because if he pulls something and hurts you, I will lose it."

"You won't have to worry about that," I assured, holding his hand, "Let's just get tonight over with so we can go home."

Ethan replied with a simple nod. Tonight for the show, we were in my hometown and all I wanted was to go home, relax and sleep in my own bed rather than a hotel room. 

But first, I had to face the disaster that was ready in that arena, waiting for Ethan and I. 

Not even ten minutes into the show and the disaster was underway. Ethan and I were in the locker room when Scorpio came in, turning on the television. 

"Darby Allin is making his way to the ring and things do not look good," JR noted, Excalibur adding:

"We thought that coffin match would be the end of this feud with Ethan Page, but after seeing his best friend in Ethan's arms, Darby is not happy!"

I sat there, arms and legs crossed, knowing that we were going to have to go out there. Darby taking a microphone and yelling:

"Ethan Page! Get your ass out here, now!" 

Ethan rolled his eyes, Scorpio behind him, supporting: 

"You know I'm on standby."

"Don't worry, Scorp," I sighed, taking Ethan's hand, "We got this."

Scorpio still stayed by our side, but when we got backstage, it was only Ethan and I, Darby still rambling:

"I'm not leaving this ring till you come out here, so I can beat your ass worse than I did last week!"

Darby's eyes were so full of rage, locked onto Ethan like there was a bullseye on his forehead. The crowd didn't know what to think. They wanted to cheer for Darby, but it was also my hometown crowd and when they saw me, they couldn't help but smile and cheer. 

"Darby-" Ethan began, the crowd having mixed emotions, but Ethan didn't need to speak. This was truly between Darby and I. 

All I had to do was look at Ethan, looking to the microphone. He knew, the crowd cheering when I took the microphone, Ethan letting me have the stage to myself. 

"Why are we even here, Darby?" I sighed, looking dead into his eyes. Darby just stood there, silent and for once listening to me. I had rare moments when I was dead serious and I was serious now, more than ever. 

"You're jealous because I'm with Ethan? Jealous for what?" I noted, the crowds reactions almost like instigation, "Because last time I checked, you sure as hell wasn't my man!" 

This was my time to get all of my feelings out and what better than to do now, getting emotional when I expressed:

"At one point Darby, you were my best friend. There were times where I thought I loved you, but I was idiot and you were the one who ruined our friendship. Remember the promise we made?"

I could see Darby's eyes turning red because he wasn't trying not to cry, remembering exactly what I was talking about, but I still continued:

"Back when we were nobodies, about killing ourselves on the indies, we made a promise. A promise that we would become the best wrestlers that this world has ever seen, but no matter how big we make it, we would still be the best of friends. You're the one who broke that promise. Long before I even started talking to Ethan. Now, you want to try and ruin my relationship?!"

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