chapter two

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erik and i was hanging out at the beach today. school is finially out for summer. i was so happy that i get to spend more time with him.

"so how are you likeing the sun, my love" erik

"loveing it" dev

"that's is good to hear" erik

all of us young people where playing to go camping for two weeks. can you imagein how long we had to act like perfect kids to let our parents let us go with out them. i'm just glad i get to send time with my friends.

"so when are the rest of them going to get here" dev

"NOW" someone screamed in my ear. and like the sissy i am i screamed. not a manly scream either. this was a totally chick scream. i looked over to see blade aperantlly trying to hold his stomach together. saber had a smirk on her face.

"that was uncalled for you know" dev

" i know, i just want to make you scream like erik does" saber

i sure my face turned the color of a tomato, i could feel it. erik was tring to hide he's smile, but it just wasn't waorking.

"why are you so mean to me' dev

" 'cause it's my job"

we stayed at the beach for acouple more hours till we headed over to my place. we piled blankets and pillows infront of the tv. in the morning we would head out for our trip.


i know it's short, but that's all i can put right now. 'cause even thought i promised to work on more chapters for this story. i had another one that i've been working on. so that one will be the one i've been working on. and i'm kinda stuck on emo vs. jock but i will have something up for that one soon. so as always love and peace.


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