Closure for Lisa Snart

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(I already posted this on my wall once, but I wrote more now.)

Was Lisa Snart ever told (at the end of season 1 of LoT) that her big brother fucking died?

Was she ever informed that Leonard will never come back to her and that she's alone now? Because, you know, her entire family is dead. (Pretty sure her mother might be dead, or at least out of the picture).

I feel like out of all the people that should have told her, was Mick. They were like close I'd say, Leonard was important in their life after all.

We don't even know if Lisa was told that they went time traveling. They had a talk between each other (Mick and Leonard) in the first episode and went on the adventure.

The writing team could have just mentioned Mick telling her about Len in an offhand line and I would have been satisfied. Now I'll never be satisfied.

Also she was in 4 Legends of Tomorrow episodes. (Blood Ties, Marooned, Left Behind, Last Refuge). And even better, on her Arrowverse wiki page it was mentioned that she has not been seen since Leonard and Mick joined the Legends.

(Last mentioned in the Flash season 3; Infantino Street)

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