chapter 1 | last night's mistakes

Start from the beginning

Hard doubt about that. "You know I'm extremely narcissistic, don't compliment me." Gareth just made a noise of affirmation at the statement. "I'll think about it, I guess. But thanks for letting me know, if anything I can call Hans to talk about it. Sadly I still have his number."

They kept talking for a minute or two until Gareth had to hang up. He asked her to please take care of herself, and he sounded unusually serious. Cassandra promised she would. Maybe. Someday. She dropped the phone back on the bed and walked over to the nearest mirror she could find.

Staring back at her reflection was no less than painful. Someone could fit an entire wardrobe in the bags under her eyes. God, she looked awful, which was a soft description of her appearance. She pursed her lips, suddenly feeling like she was forgetting something. She had talked with Gareth, although unplanned, that seemed enough to make sure someone knew she was alive. Talking to Abigail was another thing, she knew she had to do it but with Gareth knowing that she was safe and sound, Cassandra could spare herself a few more hours to prepare for Abigail's scolding.

But she was still forgetting something.

Car guy. Blue eyes. Her lips parted.

Sebastian, of course. She remembered. Cassandra walked back and picked up her phone, checking the time. Okay, she had slept more than planned, the guy was probably thinking she fled the country to avoid taking responsibility for the accident. She scrolled through her contacts to find his name and pressed the call button. Maybe he was worried, maybe not. At least she was giving a sign of life.

The tone rang three times and then the call was accepted. Bingo.

"Britta give me a minute— hello?" There were some muffled voices in the background, but nothing clear enough for her to hear.

"Sebastian, hi." Cassandra cringed at her tone. When did she pick the church girl voice? "It's Cassandra. I...accidentally hit your car last night." Okay, she had the decency to feel embarrassed at how that sounded.

Not everything was lost with her. Yay.

"Oh, Cassandra." Even if she couldn't see him, she could hear the smile in his voice. If that even made sense. "Yeah, I remember." He chuckled, because of course, having your car damaged by a complete stranger was funny.

So funny. "Uh just wanted to contact you because yeah, to solve all of that. Do you have time today? Later? Maybe talk with the insurance company. Sign papers that absolve me from anything. Whatever." Cassandra grimaced at her own words and how she was speaking. She was definitely still a bit drunk.

The noise of a door closing and sudden silence in the background were noticeable. "Today? That sounds good, actually. I'm leaving for work tomorrow so it works to get this solved as soon as possible."

"Great." She sighed in relief. Fantastic. One less problem to think about. "Awesome."

"I will contact my insurance company and let you know the details, alright?"

"That sounds good." Cassandra nodded. He can't see you, idiot. "Thank you for being so nice about...this. And again, I'm sorry." She was sorry. Cassandra was perfectly capable of feeling guilt. Who would've thought?

Sebastian clicked his tongue. "It's alright, really. All will be solved."

The goodbye was a bit awkward, but with a promise to stay in contact throughout the day, they bid their farewells. At least she had fucked up with a nice enough guy, and not a complete asshole. That was good.

Now all she had to do was deal with Abigail's scolding. Not even hitting a car sounded as bad as that.

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