Jack: Show off.

Jayden flipped back landing on his feet and they rushed at each other Jack on defense blocking all his hits and Jayden on the offense getting annoyed by the blocks and tried sweeping his legs but Jack jumped over them and landed a kick to Jayden's face and landed on his feet before grabbing onto the boy's head and brought his face down and kneed him twice before letting go and round housed him sending him crashing into the cage wall and down the mat.

Tommy: Winner!

Jack helped Jayden up and they both walked out the cage and Tommy handed them both a towel and they wiped their faces with it and looked at Tommy who had a smile on his face and faked wiping a tear away

Tommy: Everytime I see you guys spar, it just brings me joy.

The two boys chuckled at that


Jack walked out the apartment with Robby in there black tuxes and over to his car and Robby walked over to the Ferrari California and Jack whistled

Jack: Where'd you steal this sweet piece of engine from?

Robby: *Chuckles* I didn't steal it. Sensei Silver, borrowed it to me for tonight.

Jack nodded and they did their handshake and got in their respective rides and they looked at each other smiling

Jack: See you at the dance. Maybe you'll get lucky tonight.

Robby: Maybe.

They drove out the apartment complex each going to pick their dates


Jack and Tory walked into the dance and looked around before spotting Sam and Miguel looking at them and they smirked

Jack: One LaRusso, but it's all right.

Robby: Who's not here?

Robby walked over drinking some punch

Jack: Where's Angel?

Robby: Talking to some of her friends.

He pointed over to a corner and they saw a bunch of girls talking and Angel looked over to them and she waved and they waved back

Jack: *Looks at Tory* Want some punch?

She nodded and he pecked her on the cheek walking over to the punch where Sam and Miguel and picked two glasses and poured some punch in them

Jack: *Looks at the two* Look, I know you're worried I'm gonna try something tonight but I won't. Sam's mom made sure I wouldn't hurt her or Amy *Looks at Miguel* But she never said anything about you.

He walked away smirking leaving the two worried by what he was gonna do


Jack and Tory walked onto the dance floor and Miguel and Sam looked over at them glaring at them and so was Amy

Tory: They're watching us.

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