VI. see me in hindsight

Start from the beginning

"He shouldn't have. I was preparing to see the darkness." Wednesday stated bluntly and walked away.

Kennedy blinked again. "Jesus." She mumbled and took another sip of her hot chocolate.

There was a screech. She flinched and turned around, seeing the expression machine still malfunctioning. Wednesday talked to Tyler, and she somehow ended up behind the counter. He saw her watching from across the coffee shop and he looked frightened. She just laughed.

Wednesday came back and sat across from her on the booth. Kennedy smirked. "You're not as evil as you want people to believe." She claimed.

Her face remained stoic and intimidating. "I prefer sinister."

"Of course you do."

"I need your help."

Kennedy almost laughed but instead, she grinned. "Aww, you do?"

"I need to get out of here. Tyler's going to drive me to the train station when he gets off of work. I need you to help me."

"You want me to help you sneak away and leave without permission? possibly getting us both of expelled?" She clarified.

Wednesday's eyes flickered downward, waiting to hear a no.

"Sure, why not."

She quickly looked up. "Really?" She asked, not expecting to hear it.

Kennedy shrugged. "Yeah, I'm always done for an adventure. You're the first exciting thing this school's had in years."

Wednesday looked like she didn't know to respond to that.

A group of boys wearing pilgrim costumes walked into the coffee shop. They surrounded their table. "What's a couple of Nevermore freaks doing out in the wild?" One of them taunted

"This is our booth." Said another one.

Kennedy looked around the booth. "I don't see your name on it," she spoke with sarcasm.

"Why are you dressed like religious fanatics?" Asked Wednesday.

"We're pilgrims."

"Potato, potahto."

"You look like what I dressed up as in the parade when I was twelve." Said Kennedy.

"We work at Pilgrim World." One of them stated and slapped a flyer on their table.

Wednesday looked at it. "It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide." She proclaimed.

Kennedy smirked at them. "Ooh, she got you there."

The one that gave them the flyer glared. "My dad owns Pilgrim World. Who are you calling stupid?"

"Oh, so he's an advocate for the zealots?" She questioned, waving her hand for dramatic effect.

Seeing the commotion, Tyler walked over and got in the middle. "Guys, back off." He said to the group of boys.

"Stay out of this, Galpin."

"Yeah, stay out of this," Wednesday agreed and stood up from her seat.

The one with the advocate dad glared at her. "So tell me, freak. . . you ever been with a normie?"

"I will beat the shit—"

"I can handle this, Kennedy," Wednesday interrupted her, not taking her eyes off him. "I've never found one that can handle me."

The two of them stared at each other and Kennedy could see him start to falter. "Boo." She let out and it made him jump.

One of the pilgrim's standing behind her grabbed her but Wednesday grabbed his arm and kicked him in the balls.

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