and it that wasn't enough, scarlett needed to let the rest of her anger out. she slapped the the first side she originally hit, the hardest out of the three times. "that.. that was for fun." she shrugged taking a deep breath and turning around to get her bag and call practice off.

nancy huffed and pushed her back. she stumbled, steadying herself on her feet and turned around. she went to push back but was grabbed and held back while adam stepped in front of nancy.

"nancy, what the hell-"

"adam, what are you doing-"

the two started to go back and forth while scarlett turned around and saw jack. "hey, are you okay?"

"fine." she breathed out, turning around to the team. "practice is over guys, sorry some people can't behave normally for less than an hour. i'll try and schedule another practice before the next game." she smiled as everyone got their things and left.

"what happened?" jack asked as he started to walk scarlett back to the school. adam glared at the two over nancy as she yelled at him for interrupting, completely ignoring her.

"i just moved a spot and she flipped. i don't know, i guess i've just been dealing with her shit for such a long time it was bound to happen." scarlett shurgged, looking at her feet as she walked.

"i get it. she used to do the same to me, y'know?" jack raised his eyebrows and looked at scarlett.

"really?" she asked, shocked. "but you guys hang out in a group like everyday." she said, furrowing her eyebrows. "you'd think if you're cool enough to hang out with the group, she must give you a break." she joked, making the two of the laugh softly.

"yeah, well.." he sighed, still smiling from scarlett's joke. he shrugged and looked back down. "she used to hang out with my sister all the time. every time i saw her she'd find something to say. wether it was about what i did, how i looked, what i said..she'd find something." he rolled his eyes.

"yeah, i know how that could be. she could be a real-"

"pain in the ass?" he suggested, making the two laugh together.

"i was gonna go down the raging heartless bitch road, but that works too." scarlett laughed with him. the two never stopped smiling around each other, they both needed that.

"yeah, i guess that could work too." jack nodded,
scarlett smiled covering her hands with her long sleeved shirt.

"hey, are you cold?" jack looked over after seeing her. "here, have this." he handed her his lacrosse sweatshirt and she quickly shook her head.

"no, no, it's fine, we're almost back anyway. you keep it, really." she said no but he wouldn't budge and held the sweatshirt out. she sighed, taking the sweatshirt and throwing it on. "thank you."

"it's no problem. don't worry about getting it back to me, either. i have another one in my practice locker." he shrugged, putting his hands in his pocket.

"hey..thank you." scarlett stopped walking as the two reached the front of the school. "for everything these past couple days. you've done more than you know."

"it's no problem, really." he smiled, watching as scarlett looked up at him.

"is there anything i could do to repay you or something? i can do pretty much anything but math answers, you wouldn't want those from me." she joked, making the two of the laugh, again. that's all the two seemed to do together.




"well, actually..i might have something that can help us both. only, if you're up for it though, of course." he looked so nervous, like scarlett would insult him and tell him he's stupid as soon as he spoke. but he knew scarlett wasn't that type of person, at least to some. "you need to really hear me out on think one, anderson."

"well, i'm listening then.."


so, about that hockey boy...

it lasted a good 10 days before i found out he had a girlfriend. um WHAT? then he told me he wanted to break up with her for me and i told him don't even think about it.

he has the AUDACITY to tell me that he wants to try after they breakup. um no thanks.

i also have no date for my semi too, so that's great!

so yeah, that's how my life has been going.
thanks for reading though!!

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