"It's okay, ask me" Elena said after she swallowed her food.

"Well I know this is your baby shower and all, and I know that Caroline told you about my situtation with not having kids but anyway, I wanted to know if you could do Finn and I the honor and carry a baby for us. It will have our genes but you would be the carrier" Sage was a little nervous and so was Finn.

"Sage-" Elena sort of whined but Sage cut her off.

"Elena I-" Elena cut her off.

"Sage, let me finish. I whined because I know next month is your birthday and I talked to Kol about it a few months ago and he was cool with it but for a birthday gift I was going to tell you that if you ever wanted kids, I would be more than happy to carry the baby for you" Elena said.

"Really?" Sage asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, my mother did the same thing for my aunt Jenna, my mom carried three children for her" Elena replied.

Sage squealed and got up and hugged Elena. "Thank you so much Elena, so first things first-" Finn cut off Sage.

"Sage darling, Elena is still pregnant".

"I know but-" Finn cut her off again.

"Wait until at least two months after he is born".

"Okay, I just got really excited" Sage said before taking a seat next to her husband.

"It's okay, I kind of figured you'd might" Elena reassured.

"What did I miss?" Katherine asked as she gave Elena her drink and took a seat next to her cousin.

"Nothing much, just baby talk" Elena answered.

"Well that is cool" Katherine nodded.

"Yeah" Elena said.


Elena just finished opening up presents from everyone. She got bottles, clothes (a lot of clothes), bibs, a rattle, a car seat, a baby walker, a swing, a crib, a basinet, shoes, and a lot more other things. Elena was extremely grateful that she had a lot of support from everyone she cared about. Sage and Finn helped out the most with taking the gifts and stuff to the car for Elena and Kol. Ever since Elena told them she'd be more than happy to carry their child, they have been around her talking to her about a lot of stuff actually. Elena took a cupcake that Anna made and some sugar cookies that Bonnie made. She took a seat at a table and started to eat her sweets.

"Hey" Kol smirked. He kissed her cheek and sat next to her. "Should I be jealous that my brother is spending time with you?".

"Yes, should he?" Esther and Mikael came over.

"No, but I did tell Finn and Sage the news" Elena replied.

"Elena" Kol whined. "I thought we were waiting until Sage's birthday".

"I know but Sage asked and I couldn't be like no and than on her birthday tell her yes" Elena explained.

"You're lucky I love you" Kol said.

"I love you too" Elena smiled.

"Are we missing something?" Esther asked.

"No, a few months ago Elena and I were talking and for Sage's birthday our present was going to be that Elena would carry their children if that is what they wanted" Kol explained. "But Elena spilled the beans".

"I explained what happened" Elena argued.

"Still told" Kol pointed out.

"Gr" Elena joked.

Kol couldn't help but chuckle at his beautiful fiancee when she did stuff like that to him or to other people. "Well that is sweet of you" Esther said.

"Yeah" Kol and Elena replied.

"So did you and our first grandchild have fun?" Mikael asked.

"Yes, although his mommy is a little tired" Elena replied.

"That's normal in pregnancy" Esther said.

"Yeah, I remember how tired I would get with Charlie" Elena nodded. It was a pain in the ass.

"Right, well we will leave the two of you alone" Mikael said before walking away with Esther.

"Want to leave soon?" Kol asked.

"Yeah, but I want to finish this first" Elena gestured to the sweets on her plate.

"Alright, I'll make sure everything is in the car before we say goodbye to our guests and leave" Kol kissed her forehead and walked away. Elena was glad to have some piece and quiet before eating her sweets until she was left with nothing, not even crumbs, only a wrapper from the cupcake she ate.

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