Chapter 2

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Clarkes ( POV )

I wake up to a loud knocking on the door. I slowly get my tired eyes open and slowly rub them as I let out a tired yawn. I can honestly say that I've never in my life slept this good. I tired get up from the bed and walks over to the door. What's someone doing here this early?
I open the door and to a surprise notice Thomas stand on the other side of it.
A big smile comes to his lips as he studies me and let's out a small laugh.
I look down on my clothes and soon realize what I'm wearing. Oh great.
" Haha uhm, your mom told you that I was going to pick you up right? You know for school? " He says confused.
It immediately hits me. Oh god, school. I totally forgot about that. Honestly I even forget that I was here.
" Oh crap, yeah I'm sorry. Let me just get ready real quick." I say embarrassed as I'm letting him in to the apartment.
He gives me a little laugh back and gladly follows me.
I walk into my room again and starts to take some clothes out from the closet. Well this is a good first impression. Being late for my first day in school.
" So, Thomas. What am I supposed to wear exactly? " I tell him confused as I'm studying some different clothes. I want the clothes to at least be perfectly picked out.
" Whatever you think look nice and feels comfortable. " He answers from the other room.
I take an extra look at a pair of black jeans and a white shirt. It'll do. I quickly get changed and gets back to Thomas who meets me again with a smile.
" That looks nice. " He says as he's studying me.
" So it's okay? " I tell him pretty nervous.
He nods insisting and keeps his gaze on my clothes.
" Yeah definitely. " I says and then locks his eyes with mine.
" Okay let's go then. " He says as he holds the door open for me.
I clench my jaw and gives him a nervous smile back. I'm honestly so nervous right now, a bit scared too. I've never done something like this. I've no idea how it's going to be like to go to school. I mean I've never done it before.

I follow Thomas down to his car that's parked outside of the building.
" Here you go. " He says and runs to hold the door open for me.
I glance over at him and hesitates a little before I get into the car. Is that something that they do? I mean I can open my door by myself, it's not like I need help with it.
" Thanks. " I let out confused and he gladly close the door after me.

I've only been here for over a night, and I already miss home. And by home I mean back in the woods, at the capital with Lexa and our people. I haven't heard anything from Raven or the others yet. I honestly don't know where they are.

Suddenly Thomas get into the car too and I carefully glance over at him.
" So.. Are my people going to be there too? " I ask him nervously. I really hope they are. It would make all of this so much easier.
" Your people? " Thomas let out confused as he turns his focus to me.
" My friends. " I correct myself as I keep a serious focus on him.
" Oh your friends! " Thomas let out in a laugh as he make it as a joke.
" Yes they are, I'm not sure if you'll have any classes with them but they'll be there. " He says calming and starts to drive the car.
A big breath of relief escapes me. Hearing that calms me down a lot.

" Why do you think it's so weird when I call them my people, they are. They're my responsibility and I want to know what happens to them. " I tell him seriously and keeps my focus on him.

I immediately notice how he takes a deep breath and keeps his attention on the road.
" They're not your people over here Clarke." He starts and glance over at me for a second. " Things are a bit different here. You may have been some sort of leader before but over here in our world, everyone takes care of themselves, no one except for the president is a leader here. So over here they're not your people anymore, they're his and for you they're only your friends. You can't tell them what to do anymore. It's not your responsibility to look after them anymore. They only person you have to look after is yourself, and well your mom because she's family. " He continues and glance over at me for a moment again.

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