Part 5

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Ever since Ms. Thornhill's attempt of murdering me last time, I started to hate attending Botany class and the agony of being there is complete torture. Even if there's a new teacher assigned I can't get the idea of hating it off my head. Not the teacher, just the subject. If Botany was a person I'd hang him before chopping his entire body and feeding it to my pet lion at home.
Good thing I still sit next to Xavier and I let myself get distracted by his sketches.

He's doing the venus fly trap that's sitting on the table at the front. His hands are making light to heavy strokes to make the shading. This time he's not only using charcoal, but other colors like green, red, brown, and many more.

"Ms. Addams," The teacher Mr. Wadsworth called.

He's an old man in his fifties, with a gray clump of hair— I'm impressed by how rich his scalp is, it's a rarity to see a man with full hair at his age—thick rectangular glasses sitting on his nose bridge, and wears Victorian style coats, and a cravat.

"I see your attention is elsewhere," he said, "now I would like to remind you that your attendance is not the only thing important but also your participation, and it would also be a plus if you listen."

"I was listening, sir," I said, the feeling of not liking this teacher rising in me, "I just happen to be not interested in your lessons about plants in history, and what odd concoctions they were making from it that wasn't very useful because it failed."

Mr. Wadsworth adjusted his spectacles, "I see we have a black sheep, not what I was expecting from an Addams, despite your parents being the star students I don't recall them having an attitude such as yours in my class. They were excellent students, you don't seem to inherit those characteristics from them."

Here we go again with the comparison. "Sir, need I remind you that my name is Wednesday Addams, not Morticia or Gomez, not even Pugsley if you want my brother included, I am, and never my family, I just happen to be different. We were talking about plants earlier and you're including people that weren't supposed to be mentioned, is that a characteristic a teacher should have?"

Mr. Wadsworth didn't seem to like what I was blabbing. His gray bushy brows are meeting each other and he looks like he wants to say something but didn't bother continuing.
He instead continues his lesson.

"That was bold, Addams." I heard Bianca say.

I look over at her and notice her hands are red and full of scratches. Her seatmate, who I didn't get the name of, also has red hands with scratches.

"Now form a group of four," Mr. Wadsworth instructed, "and I'll assign you an assignment to be submitted by the end of the week."

I immediately went to Bianca's table, pulling Xavier with me. "Let's form a group," I said demandingly rather than as a request.

Bianca seemed to be against the idea, but I already sat down beside her before she could even protest. "You're good with plants too, so let's team up," I added.

"Alright then," she said, giving Xavier a bad look.

At lunch, I met with Eugene at the bee house. He's harvesting a new batch of honey from the summer nesting, and one jar is labeled Enid on it.

"Here, give it to her for me." He said, giving me the jar.

"Why don't you give it to her?" I say, putting the jar in my bag anyway.

Eugene scratches his head, "I can't, Ajax might stone me if he sees me with his girlfriend."

Enid hasn't confirmed to me her relationship with Ajax, they've been hanging out since they reunited but that's all I see.

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