love finds a way

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From that moment onward, I make sure I'm with the others at all times, especially close to Elrond. If that Moljirnov is really that mad, I might yet have to protect Elrond. Although She-Elrond seems smitten with Moljirnov, he does turn around every so often to look at me, at least it seems to be that way. 

I ask myself over and over, why this magic? Why turn Elrond and the others into elleths? Was Moljirnov behind all of this or was there another? It doesn't make any sense!

 It didn't seem possible to remove me without others noticing, but .. it was almost dark and I was standing close to a bush, how could I know, that the elf was in there, crouching and waiting? I was talking to one of the other elfs, when he jumped up and grabbed me. He immediately covered my mouth and with the other arm he wrapped himself around me, so I couldn't really move . Than he waited for the others to move on. Coming to think of it, the elf I had been talking to, he had probably been in on this, making me stand close to that bush. My mind is with Elrond! Will he turn back one day and when he does, will he remember me? My situation appears so very sinister that I am prepared to die because I lack the will to fight back.

Once the rest of the group has moved on, we emerge from the bush. The elf binds me. Than he stands around, not doing anything. I'm getting impatient, why doesn't he make a move? I want it done and over with.

Eventually the elf acts, he turns towards me and with the words: "I don't kill no elleth," he hits me over the head. Everything goes dark.

I come to it some time later, how much later I don't know. I am still bound but after some wriggling and fighting with the bondage, I manage to get free. What am I to do? At least I've got the will to fight back now.. How I'm not sure yet. 

I'm torn between wanting to be close to Elrond to make sure he's alright and the fact, that I need to find out more about this magic. I'm not to far away from my hometown right now, so I decide to go and visit the one person who I know, knows a bit about magic. Our dear childhood friend, the so called 'witch'.

I haven't walked very far when I come across my dear horse. I am so glad to see him, after all of the hostility I experienced, he feels like a friend.

It takes me only two hours to arrive at Lydia's house because now I can ride! I tell her my story and afterwards we set out to find out about this magic. She has many many books about magic, most of them very old and almost falling apart, it is very well possible that we find some information there. Together we page through the dusty pile. Eventually she finds something. What happened to Elrond and the others is likely only an illusion but the spell can only be broken by true loves kiss. I can't believe it! As a child we read many fairy-tales where the spell could only be broken by true-loves-kiss, I wouldn't have expected something like this to occur in real life?

How am I going to get She - Elrond to kiss me!!! At first I'm devastated but than I start thinking about our earlier days and my hope returns. Elrond loved me, while he still thought I'm a male, so who says he can't love me in his currant state? If what we have really is true love, nothing is impossible! Love always finds a way! 

Moljirnov seems to know me and the fact that I haven't been affected by the spell, he even wanted to get rid of me, so it is probably wise to stay hidden. In order to do that, I have to change my appearance once again. I don't want to cut my hair, not yet anyways but we dye my hair a dark brown. My hair is usually a golden blond so I do look very different with the brown hair. I also change back into boys clothing. I would have loved to spend more time with Lydia but I am anxious to return to Elrond. My promise to her is that I will return soon or even better, that I will invite her to Rivendell once we arrive. If we arrive!

I don't know where Moljirnov's estate is situated so in order to find the exact location, I have to go home. My father has many maps and I should be able to find the Helford estate on one of them. Thankfully Finjor and I have found a way to exit and enter our home without being noticed. As soon as it is dark enough for me to proceed, I start climbing over the roof and enter through the window of our former bedroom. It is very strange after all this time. I miss Finjor even more now because usually we would have been together using this route. I manage to get to my fathers office without being seen or heard, I find the right map after some searching and exit the same way I have come. My heart is pounding and I'm exhausted but now I know where I'm going and my spirit lifts with the rising of the sun! I'm coming Elrond and I will set you free!

I ride until nightfall. I don't want to rest but I have to let my horse rest. Consequently, I get a few hours of sleep as well. By midday the following day I reach the Helford estate. Now what?

I proceed to find out more about Moljirnov for now and about the elleths, currently staying at his estate. The information flow is slow though, I only manage to find out that Moljirnov isn't very popular with his tenants because he is cruel. There is also a rumor, that Moljirnov is a dark magician. this confirms that he was the one who cast the spell. The why, is still a big question!

I bought myself something to eat and am currently sitting under a big willow tree eating. Suddenly a horse comes tearing past, on it's back a female rider. It occurs to me that the rider might have lost control over the horse and might now be in danger of getting seriously hurt. So I get up onto my own horse and follow suit. I manage to catch up. I line up with the horse and grab it's rains. A few moments later the horse comes to an halt. 

The female rider looks at me tears in her eyes and my heart skips a beat! Elrond, well, She Elrond! There is recognition in his eyes too, despite the brown hair and my male disguise. "You," he says, staring at me, "Who are you?" 

Last time, he didn't take it so well, when I said he is my husband, so this time I'm more careful. 

"I am a very good friend of yours," I say, "you probably forgot about me though because of the accident."

He is still starring at me. "Why are you dressed as a male and your hair is a different colour!" I take it as a very good sign, that he remembers all of these details and that he recognised me despite. 

"It's complicated," I answer vaguely.

He is still starring. Suddenly he seems embarrassed. "I was in control of my horse by the way," he says, secretly wiping away a stray tear.

"I'm sorry," I say, "I presumed you where in danger and I wanted to help."

He just nods. I'm still holding his rains; I let go. 

"You are upset," I venture out, "What is causing you the distress?"

He looks at me, his face set. "I don't think it is any of your concern." He is still looking at me. I can feel him, our special bond is tangible. He diverts his eyes to the back of his horse. "I'm sorry, you're very kind and I didn't mean to be rude." He looks up into my face again, there is a shy smile there. I have to say he makes a very beautiful elleth!  "I'm glad you came to my rescue though, I somehow feel comfortable in your presence."

 I beam at him! There is hope! 

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