Ranting with Derp

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So this is going to be an interesting chapter.
Rant with Derp number uno.
-Why do people sometimes put emojis in their stories. We don't need a "😘" emoji when someone is being strangled by a person.
Rant with Derp number 2.
-Use punctuation please por favor. Must I say more. No. On to the next rant.
Rant with Derp number three.
-I will be extremely happy If a popular story is not about Harry styles and those other British people.
Rant with Derp number 4.
-Please check your grammar sirs. I'm not saying everyone does this, but for those who do it, here is a reminder. Check your grammar.
Thank you for joining me on a episode of Rants with Derp! See you after the commercial break.
*Goes to commercials*
"Help I've fallen and I can't get up"
"Use oxi clean if you want clothes to be stained"
"It's a trash. It's a can. It's a trash can! Now for only 133.99 dollars"

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