19- I don't disgust them

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Savannah's pov

I almost shrieked with excitement but held it in. I had a small brother, I can't stop the grinning forming on my face. Caroline answered with a small laugh, "yes you have a little brother Noah who is 2 years younger than you. When we gave you to the Adams we thought of distracting the enemy so we shifted to Europe. There we got no threats and so we continued our life. But it was tough without you by our side. That's when Noah came in our life and we decided he will be studying there away from the enemies."

When Caroline took the juice and James saw my curiosity he chuckled and continued, "as soon as Noah started understanding things we told him about you, his elder sister. We sent him to the boarding school there so we could visit here too and have a check on Adams, whether the enemies are behind you or not. Today Noah is the highest paid detective, and he studied this all to protect his elder sister from the enemies. He will be joining us next month once he completes the last assignment given to him." I can't believe I had a brother who loved me so much without even meeting me.

"I would love to meet him and I'm glad that you guys are back. It would take some time to adjust and get used to this feeling" I decided on sharing my past so took a breath and continued. "My life back there was difficult. I remember when I started school everything was fine. Julia and I were treated the same. A few years later, they started being rude and made me do all the household chores. When one day I forgot to do the laundry and I was slapped harshly that's when physical abuse started. I was still fine and never misbehaves but even the smallest of the mistakes caused punishments" my eyes blurred as the past came back in flashbacks.

Lucifer held me close and rubbed my arm soothingly. I looked up and continued, "but then I turned 12 and the sexual abuse started. Father or should I say Mr Adams started raping me on any given opportunity. When I shared with Mrs Adams she said I deserved this all. I started self harming I tried to run away but I was too weak and had no one to go to. I decided I will move out once I complete my college and save enough for the rent. The money I got for travelling and food I saved it and kept waiting" I stared in her eyes to see the disgust but I saw only love and pain, her tears didn't made me feel ugly or broken.

She came and sat beside me opening her arms. I instantly hugged her and cried my heart out, she continued caressing my hair and pulled away a few minutes later. "Please forgive us for putting you through so much, we can never feel the pain you went through but we wouldn't have ever wanted our child to suffer. We wanted you safe but we damaged you more" I shook my head and gulped the bile that rose in my throat. "No maa they were the bad people, you didn't even know I'm going through so much" she had a twinkle in her eyes and I realised I called her maa. I don't regret saying the words I felt the motherly love.

"Can we have some french fries please I'm a bit hungry now" said Lucifer and everyone chuckled. I know he did that to lighten the mood and we all appreciated that. We munched on fries when mom informed, "Tyler was talking about family day that would be arranged here upcoming Saturday" and Lucifer replied, "yes mom please don't be late like usual" we all laughed at that. "Oh shutup you guys are early always" and then dad suggested "why don't you both join us William and Caroline? It would be fun, as it is our daughter's first family day."

Maa and paa agreed to join us and the four of them left saying their goodbyes. I turned towards Lucifer and asked him, "what is family day?" he replied with a grin, "we celebrate family day every month where my parents, Alexander's family and Tyler's family meet and spend time. It is planned by Tyler this time and venue would be our house as it is your first family day."

That was a good thing I would get to meet them all again and at the same time. An idea popped in my head this would be the correct time to introduce Tyler to Rihanna. "Can I please invite Rihanna too? She was my only family before youu came" he pecked my cheek and agreed, "ofcourse you can call her, I'm sure everyone would be happy to meet her."

We decided to have takeaway and sleep early as it was a long day for me and my head hurt from all the crying. He brought the pizzas to our bedroom while I put on a show Reeh talked about recently. It was a rom-com and we both enjoyed it. I ate three pieces and gave the last one to him as I was full.

He put the trash in the small dustbin beside our bed and we both washed our hands before changing into more comfortable clothes. He held the close and whispered "I'm right by your side if you require anything baby" I hummed in response. My heart swells with love everytime he cares about me. I believe my life would turn only beautiful with him. He is the light that conquered my darkness in a single night.

The sun shone brightly and I stretched lazily, hugging Lucifer from behind. He groaned and turned my side hugging me back. "Hey wakeup or you will get late for work" I followed my daily routine and prepared wraps with ingredients like cabbage, onion, cucumbers, rice fried with spices and loads of cheese. A nice combo of healthy and tasty to fill our stomach till evening. I packed some for Lucifer and Rihanna along with mine. As we both were running late we left as soon as Lucifer descended the stairs.

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